
Happy inception day Leon!

This makes me happy =D Say what you will about remakes this is exciting. I don’t think Dune has been adapted to the screen very well before, I’d love to see it done well.

No problem, it would have gone massively over my head if it weren’t for my recent experiences! I’m probably going to have to watch a few more times to fully “get” it myself. :)

In fact, I might just make some of my own.



Wow. So I was recently sectioned and diagnosed with bi-polar disorder and this short film has just blown me away. It was so relate-able, right up until the end - I did not see that one coming. Everything about it - the numerous pamphlets and posters on the walls. The clinical and impersonal treatment from some of the

That actually got me really super excited for the new season :D

Not a clue! The optimist in me likes to think that those people are just a minority that is shouting the loudest, but that may be naive of me.

Not speaking for the other poster but I do agree with the sentiments put forward in their post. I don’t think they were saying “accept other people’s belief’s no matter what” but “act towards those with opposing point’s of view with a level of decorum and empathy.”