
Then I’ll have SeaWorld install a park in the White House backyard, because it’s a disaster that no U.S. president has ever owned a whale. NEVER. Crazy.

I would be SHOCKED if there isn’t already one.

White privilege

which caters to the adult baby community. Not men’s rights activists, just people who like wearing diapers.

As someone else said in this chain, an artist’s rider is their rider, whether for a 5 minute appearance or a whole tour. It’s up to the promoter or the venue to cross off those items before signing that seem Ludicris.

Isn’t kinda disrespectful for a judge to address lawyers by their first names rather than Counselor? This is clearly not a friendly working relationship, so seems like a breach of ettiquette on his part. True, or nah?

Especially played by a dread-wearing white guy

Her cause could be "Make Marriage Great Again," essentially, "how to deep-throat your rich husband to keep him away from the other bimbos" is something she would probably be qualified to champion. It would be like returning to the Mad Men era, as far as male-female relationships, "Meet your man at the door dressed in

Love what you do, and you’ll never work a day in your life.

Heh, it’s so optimistic to think that there’ll be jobs left for our kids. Me, I’m preparing my kids for Thunderdome. Their practice with spears and spikes welded onto a dune buggy will definitely edge out anyone with a bachelors of arts degree in 2030.


The nerve of some peephole...

sounds like something a frog would say....

  1. Go to school

Spoiler: they'll actually be commentating on the puppy bowl!

Dear Guy Fieri,


I can see Nicki in her dressing room in Angola muttering to herself: