
Yeah, I was gonna cook at home tonight, but now I’m thinking of getting some tacos, instead.

Here’s a song that makes many of the others seemed positively cheerful: David Gedde’s Run, Joey, Run! The overwrought and maudlin chorus that opens and closes the song and the duet style between Julie and Joe make this a camp classic.

I had no particular interest in your comment overall, but I gave you a star for the phrase ‘Ph.D in rectal geometry,’ which is brilliant.

Given their similarities regarding ego and self-regard, misogyny, endless talking, obsession with money, and impatience with the thoughts and feelings with anyone other than themselves, I’ve thought for some time that Gene Simmons is the logical successor to Donald Trump. Thank God Simmons was born in Israel, and is

Deviled eggs? Yer a-goin’ ta Hell!

Could you expand on how you get the ‘fistful’ of thyme into the cavity? Do you just shove it in as far as your fist can go, or do you move it around in the cavity? 

No, it’s not. True, no blues = no rock. Influences are crucial. However, you need morer than influences. What makes Chuck Berry or the ‘60s British blues-derived artists, for example, interesting is that they took blues and did something new with it. Def Leppard simply copied their influences without adding anything

There Is Nothing on Earth We Want to See Less Than Jerry Falwell Jr.’s ‘Personal’ Photos

I had one, too, but I remember mine as being able to go faster and make jumps like the one in the video. That said, it broke after two days.

Duke Caboom, Canadian stunt-rider? Do Canadians and Toy Story script-writers not know that Kaboom is spelled with a K?!?!?!?!

My sixth grade teacher was a regular in the Indy 500 Speedway infield during the ‘70s. He told us some weird stories about it (albeit ones nominally appropriate for an audience of 12 year-olds).

Perhaps so. But I know that when I think of Rose Tyler (or Billie Piper, for that matter), ‘adorable’ is somewhere in there, but its far behind ‘hot,’ or ‘arousing.’

Actually, Eve described Rose as “adorable.” That’s a lot less provocative than ‘hot’ or ‘sexy.’ I don’t think what Eve said meant much at all — especially when compared with Villanelle’s obvious interest in scoping out the Asian woman at the club.

Correction: Somewhere among the top five: “Excuse me, where is the restroom?”

No. Faustian Slip is right. Orthodox Jews would never refer to their synagogue as a Temple. If your Jewish institution was a Temple, then you’re probably Reform Jewish.

I starred you for “I love Bruce more than most of my relatives.”  Me, too.

I think it’s supposed to be over-the-top saccharine.

(To be fair, The Dana Carvey Show did it first - “lets talk about how Mountain Dew looks like urine.”)

Wasn’t there a big product placement issue with I Robot, Will Smith, and Chuck Taylors?