
Actually, no.  It would not display for me.

Pete Holmes, racist child abuser. I put that phrase into Google and got no explanation.  Care to share?

Maybe. I guess it depends how talented your kid is. As a toddler, my son assisted in my hernia operation.

That kids’ adjunct to the wedding sounds like a blast! I’m 51, and I would skip out on the adults’ reception spend my time eating sundaes, going in the bouncy castle, and talking with little kids (whom I really enjoy hanging out with).

Add some artificial glop to your natural food to make it “better.”

In general, the Orthodox community in the US and in Israel maintain fairly strong internal social services. Further, in the Israeli system, public social services would also be familiar with Shomer Negia needs and equipped to handle them, in terms of who is hired and who provides hands-on treatment.

The ban is pretty simple. No touching across gender lines from a certain age, unless you are in an intimate or parental relationship with the other-gendered person. Women can touch women; men can touch men. However, a post-pubescent woman cannot touch men other than her husband or her young male children. A

Wives and husbands can touch, as can same-sex family members. Therefore a spouse can be a caregiver, as can a child.

+1 for use of Shomer Negia. But I think you wrote your comment backwards. I expect that Shomer Negia people would only eat at restaurants where religious observance is expected. And they would not expect to be touched. However, based on my experiences at religious Jewish-owned restaurants, customers should go in

Agree that it’s manipulative. The only person I’ve ever known who asked for hugs was a deeply needy emotional vampire of a woman, who asked for hugs more as a declarative statement about what was supposed to happen next, rather than as asking permission. SUPER creepy and unpleasant.

Agreed, having lived in Indiana for over four years (if you can call that ‘living.’)

I’m guessing you don’t have a professional slicer lying around (if you do, invite me over?)

Reading this, I’m sorry I didn’t take advantage during all those Motel 6 stays.

Wow! That sucks.

Weird. I just tried that shove thing with one of my female acquaintances. It did not go over as well as it does for JLD.

Thank you.  I clearly did not watch the show closely enough before spouting off.  Sorry.

Agreed. I’ve never been much of a Mothra enthusiast. Moths are just wimpy, regardless of size. If the producers needed a flying monster, they should have gone with Kamacurus.

Shit, I hated that show.  Just hackneyed stereotypes and bad writing.

yeah, but is it kosher?

I agree that they visited Forcett in his time, but as another has noted, they have been in The Less-Good-than It-Seemed-but-Better-than-Some-Alternatives Place for over 200 years. To go to Forcett’s time, they were taken into the past. But when we are in the Accountant’s office, it seems to be in the “present,” which