Feel free to speculate on just who made it into the Good Place in 1497.
Feel free to speculate on just who made it into the Good Place in 1497.
That makes absolute sense. I’ll bet larval Mothra would enjoy the Punch Brothers.
I agree. 1.25 seems like a more natural pace for the song. of course, my understanding of the musical preferences of giant super-moths is pretty limited.
So, I’m not the only one who fucks pepper mills? ‘bout damn time someone else spoke up.
Speaking as one who has lived in Texas for 16 years, “Second rate sandwich-dispensary” is right on the money for Whataburger.
As I noted above, canned Manwich sauce also includes bell peppers and onions. Possibly some garlic, too.
a squishy white bun, some ground beef, tomatoes (or ketchup), and nothing else
Whether or not my cookies contain ‘traces of nuts’ is entirely dependent on whether I am wearing pants when baking.
Obviously, Aquaman wants the trident. It’s recommended by four out of five dentists.
Thank heavens. There is some good in this world.
I like Agents.
Regardless of how you feel about this issue, I will point out that those receipts that come with suggested tipping amounts printed on the bottom always calculate the amounts from the pre-tax total.
Around 1892, I was in NYC for the first time. I was in a Nathan’s Hotdogs somewhere downtown, when I saw Gene Shalit — film critic — alone and eating a hot dog at one of the small tables.
a cop got on and made everyone wearing a cowboy hat get off the bus
Watch it through to the end -- the finale is shocking!
The elevator pitch for bidets is that you should use one of a an over-flying bird poops on you in such a physics-defying way that its feces end up on your ‘undercarriage?’
The elevator pitch for bidets is that you should use one of a an over-flying bird poops on you in such a…
This paragraph is classic anti-Semitism:
I disagree.
Holy shit, you’re a particularly stupid bigot.
You are an anti-Semitic piece of shit, regardless of what you think of other religions and their followers.