
Don’t forget Sarah Michelle Gellar, as a positive example. She already had a black belt in Tae Kwan Do when she auditioned to be Buffy Summers.

Enough with extra virgin olive oil! I want “been there, done that” olive oil, “been around the block a few times” olive oil, or “ridden hard, put away wet” olive oil. I don’t slut-shame my cooking oils, and neither should you.

Hey!  More details on Mia Farrow, please.

I haven’t lived in Israel in a while, but I feel confident in saying: “Israel does not want you, Roseanne.”

Car Know-Nothing, here with a question:

I wonder if selling tuna that expensive is a good long-term bet. As of today, their website (printed on the can in the picture) no longer exists: www.olasagasti.es.

Me too, generally. But larger trends suggest otherwise, judging by the preferences of the general public.

Nah.  Americans value convenience over quality.  Dominos, et al, will exist forever.  As will Papa John’s, albeit possibly under a different name.

It depends what you did to your hand to make it swell up.

Could someone fill me in on what ‘iced mint’ is, especially given that temperature does not have a smell?

Yes, it’s a presumption. But it’s based on a lifetime of being Jewish and knowing Jewish practice. No rabbi would say “Hey, I’m going to a bar. I better bring my tallit in case there are TV cameras!”

I presume the producers asked him to bring it and wear it. No rabbi I have ever met would think to wear a tallit in a secular, public space in the middle of what I assume was a week day. It’s simply not done. However, I have seen numerous instances of TV shows exaggerating various aspects of Jewish practice to make

Exactly. The only place I see rabbis wearing a tallit outside of a synagogue service is on American TV. Magnum PI and Babylon 5, I’m looking at you.

I don’t even know how to take this comment. Are you trying (and failing) to make a witty comment, or are you just an incredibly inept anti-Semite?

before your mouth diarrhea knocks your dentures out of your mouth

Ugh. Why did they make the rabbi wear a tallit? They are not casual day-wear.  Does his yarmulke not sufficiently call him out as a Jew?

I ‘should’ be eating medium rare pork?  Have you spoken with my rabbi about this?

10 minutes?  Lucky you.

When I was in high school (1981-1985), HBO was the only game in town for pseudo-porn (well, Cinemax, too, but my parents wouldn’t order that). In the early 80s, they weren’t as direct in programming sex. No ‘Confessions,’ no ‘Real’ this or that, no ‘Red Shoe’ dramas. Instead, HBO focused on filming ‘artistic’ events

For that amount of money, it better be kosher.