
In a regular, sterile lab setting, it would be a bit upsetting, I expect. However, if I were doing this work, my funding application would have included a line item to rent a creepy central European castle, where I would perform my work by candlelight.

I’m going hog-wild over these puns!

Hey, she’s been dong voice work for Robot Chicken pretty frequently.

Dad: “How’s the baby coming along?”

Oh, Sorry for missing that. Anyway, obsession like that gives a person wrinkles. She should try to refocus her life on happy things.

beheading rabbits so they could screw the esophagus

If Laurie Strode lived her entire life prepping for Michael Myers return and spend that time in fear, why didn’t she just use that energy to move to another town in another state and change her name? Michael doesn’t seem internet savvy or able to scrape up enough cash for a private eye to track her down.

A few more bands that have different (multiple & concurrent) lead singers in the same band: Fleetwood Mac, The Band, Band of Heathens, Velvet Underground, CSN/CSNY, Grateful Dead, & Raconteurs.

eager.ophiuchus, will you by my scapegoat gay? I’ve never had or needed one, but you never know...

As does mine.

The redhead’s neckline certainly gets my attention, but not as much as those distractingly wide-spaced eyes.

I haven’t been to Tampa in some time but, knowing FL’s current reputation, that does make sense. BTW, are these strippers likely to kill you or just steal your wallet and leave you beaten in an alley?

You’re no jerk. You’re the kind of pedant I can really appreciate. After all, someone’s got to do it. Kudos to you!

Living in Tampa, shouldn’t you be more concerned about alligators?

I went to high school with his niece. Somehow, Lawler came up during a discussion in science class. She has the same last name, and copped to being related during the discussion. It did not seem like she was entirely comfortable with the admission.

Do you live close to crocodiles, though? If you live in Minnesota, your fear of crocs may not be entirely justified.

no one ever appears to have been killed by a domestic cat


I am that dickhead brother.

You either choose to be controlled by your fear and allow yourself to be a victim, or you stand up for yourself in spite of the consequences.