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    Gonna have to somewhat disagree. It was better than the 4th one but it mostly boring. To quote the movie itself Same shark, different day. With that said, it had it's moments. But i hated the ending because i just want this series to end already.

    I wouldn't say it did it right out the gate, early on it was about the using the concepts for jokes, while later we'd have episodes like Hail Doofania. The show had tons of other things going for it, like extra development and they did plenty of episodes breaking from it to tell unique stories.

    Phineas and Ferb had a slightly janky start since it had to establish the formula, and tons of things changed, like the additions of Buford and Baljeet for example. We already of some characters we haven't seen yet, as well as that story arc. So hopefully this can escape it's shadow. I doubt it'll have the same impact

    The episode was pretty good, although far from an amazing favorite. It's a pretty nice episode at least.

    Beach City Citizen Episodes can be hit or miss, but this one of the hits. Very funny and very sweet. 'Also, i only just now learned they replaced Sinbad with some other guy. I thought his past as comedian was a "subtle' actor allusion, guess not.

    If it ever says "Final" in the title, it's a lie.

    I thought this one was one the better ones in the Summer of Steven so far, even if it was fairly predictable. Better than yesterdays, at least.

    Of course it won't appear in the movie, it'll be invisible!

    I fail to see what is funny about suggesting a clearly distraught man should have just ended it all back there. If WAC was likable, maybe it would be funny but…he's a jerk so it was horrible.

    Normally I's agree, but the ending was honestly kind of sweet, so it saved it. Thus, the space whale episode is still the weakest of Season 2 so far. Plus, it's hard for me to hate Chopper since 1, he doesn't talk. 2., he's not WAC from Clone Wars. Ugh, he really sucked. (At least Chopper never made a tasteless

    Well, to an extent it is. It started out well with The Matchmaker and The New Toy, but got old fast.

    A bit too much negavity for a B+, but I'd give it that grade too and i have similar problem. They just don't bother too much because i do like what we have. The songs are a lot of fun and i do like that they finally embrace Dominator's evil-ness. She can't be reasoned with and shes' no one's friend. I enjoy her a

    Sorry, you can't give a B to an episode with the cruelest ending ever.

    I don't think i can have respect someone who likes an episodes where Meg tries to get Chris raped.

    I don't think i can have respect someone who likes an episodes where Meg tries to get Chris raped.

    They did do an episode like this. "Pulling Double Booty" was the name.


    Brian gives someone his blood, knowing he h erpes, and shows no regrets.

    I don't know about you, kind of resolving a rivarly that's been the focus of many episodes, is not filler in the slightest.

    See, i kind of sort agree and i see all your points! Why can't all internet commenters be like this