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    It was never really about the mother. After 9 seasons of barely touching on the titular meeting, people, (even the fans) stopped caring about that and kept watching for the actual characters. At times, i forgot about the mother until they started pushing it again in the last few seasons.

    Hey, IGN got something right!

    I don't need to the read the review to know it's another overacting idiot screaming RUINED FOREVER. God bless the reviewers who were more….tame.

    I sort of agree here. There are just as many people who said, right away, they loved the finale and it was fitting for the series. I'm one of those peole, and the more thought of it, the better it got. I think some are over reacting and saying it's the finale ever, when there are far worse.

    the writer doesn't get that B+ is still really good. Note the PLUS.
    Anyway, this was an A-, you idiot. Both plots were hilarious interesting, and sweet. ESPECIALLY the subplot, which I liked even more.

    I'm sorry but The Santa Experience is the best Nicktoon christrmas special, ever. Okay, the 2nd best…Hey Arnold's was amazing.

    I'm sorry but in whatworld is Man of Steel worse than A huanted house?!

    Ouch, you were on role with good reviews until the churned out htis thing. This episode was awesome!

    What the fly heck, this episode was amazing!