Hopefully they’ll acknowledge that Will & Grace & Jack are 50ish (Karen is ageless) and not play them like overgrown children. There’s lots of underserved potential for the inherent comedy of ageing. But they really need Beverly Leslie and Rosario.
Hopefully they’ll acknowledge that Will & Grace & Jack are 50ish (Karen is ageless) and not play them like overgrown children. There’s lots of underserved potential for the inherent comedy of ageing. But they really need Beverly Leslie and Rosario.
Well yeah...because she’s been unable to be in the news for making music like she used to.
It’s going to be like American Idol for wildlife. “You, owl, prove to us that you deserve to live, because that manatee waiting off stage is bringing his game!”
Ugh. See, this is what is getting me so down and stressed. I do not have the time or resources to combat and protest every fucking little thing, and how do you figure out what to prioritize? There is just SO MUCH, it’s overwhelming. How are we ever going to be able to effectively organize and push back, when every…
A big thank you to 40+% of people who didnt bother to vote and another big sarcastic thank you to fucking assholes who keep voting these dipshits into office.
Always one more.
It’s going to be interesting to see how Fox and the alt-right spin this one given the Wikileaks connection. How many mutually contradictory positions can they hold at one time?
“He has not been a person to do staged events for the sake of doing staged events.”
Don’t be silly.
You are amazing. Thank you taking the time to craft this with all of the links and bolding.
Don’t lose hope - that’s what the GOP wants. Apathy from the 75% of the voting public that didn’t vote for Trump is the only thing that keeps their paltry 25% afloat.
This is just horrifying and i still can not believe this happening. This is how the press in US should be treating Trump.
Challenge for the next 4 years: Find a story about Donald Trump where ‘this is horrifying’ is not a context appropriate descriptor of what is happening.
The full quote is more chilling and makes what this is about much more explicit, I think:
This is horrifying.