
No it’s a DISTRACTION. Don’t you guys read Naomi Klein? The more we talk about this, the less bandwidth we have to focus on the actual corruption, kids in camps, destruction of the planet, etc

I, personally, recognize rotoscoping from Linklater’s earlier film, Waking Life.

My kid came home today from her first day of middle school and told me she wanted to be a VSCO girl (wut). Used her allowance to buy 50 scrunchies off Amazon for $10. She said she already had the puka shell necklace and the Hydroflask.

I’m going to miss Aaron on Thor. I liked that he wrote the story as a light fantasy about a God who happens to be a part-time superhero. Aside from Walt Simonson and J. Michael Straczynski, he’s my favorite writer for the character.

I think at this point Aaron’s run on Thor has to be up there with the all-time runs on any character. Sad to see it end but excited for whatever he has next. 

I think it was that episode in “Sex and the City” where Carrie makes fun of Berger for not knowing that the lady with the scrunchie was a tourist, that made certain types of women (who care about such things,) to temporarily shy away from using scrunchies.

I don't know who is saying the former of those sentiments but they're wrong. They're always wrong. You can feel free to tell them they're wrong.

The kid rolled a 1, and the apple dodged.

Yes. Sis was pretending to subvert wedding convention, all the while screaming “ME! ME! ME!”

Can you imagine trying to catch the bouquet with those tiny arms? No wonder they died out

The bride/sister may be an actual saint. The MOH/sister has a CLEAR need to be the center of attention at all times. 

I disagree with the headline and think the bride is the best person in America for genuinely being okay with this and defending her sister. She was okay with giving up a picture perfect wedding AND the spotlight (because let’s be real, most of the people were watching the dinosaur). That’s pretty damn cool. 

Another cool thing about Valiant: The majority of their series put out the first TPB at $9.99 (usually for 4-6 issues). I just checked Amazon and the first Doc book is not only listed at $9.99, its actually on sale for just $2.99 for the PHYSICAL copy. Shit, that’s one of the series I haven’t read yet so I might order

The first two modern series weren’t cancelled, they were both limited-series from the jump. New Valiant only publishes a couple of ongoing books at a time while also putting out various miniseries. And their ongoing series tend to end with a conclusion to the main storyline while leaving some opening for more stories

I always thought James Cameron was in love with himself.

Now playing

If every Terminator was Franco Columbu, Skynet would have won the war. This sequence is yet another reason the first film was the best film.

If he’s convex and she’s concave, wouldn’t that mean that they actually fit together?

Is it just me, or do Will Smith and Martin Lawrence seem way too old for this shit?

Someone needs to share this with Kevin Sorbo

“Extremely unique!”