
thanks for the link to kinkajou, cos i had zero clue.

When the “your free 40 minutes is up” alert go up, does it say “FLET-CHAAH!”

“...some fine performances.”

insert “DATS DA JOKE” gif here

yeah, he certainly looks like a Farrow, and has a lot of Frank in there too, but you know who he looks nothing like? That dude that married his half-sister. 

i’d watch that.

is it ok to admit that my favourite bit of the old show was the author interviews? So, if this is “Jon Stewarts Book Club”, count me in.

really? Wow - so he wrote my favourite bits from this and Blade Runner? Amazing. 

Wow, he’s looking a lot like his mom - that pandemic hairdo gives him a Death on the Nile-era vibe, doesn’t it?

love the idea that Nilus Jnr. insists on wearing a cravat before leaving the house.

the scene at the end of the first episode of Battlestar, when he glares at the rest of the crew for their tired, defeated “so say we all” was so good. The full Olmos glare is weapons-grade. 

*command-f Harvey Keitel* nope? Really? His head hitting the pillow to the opening beat of “Be my Baby” in Mean Streets?

I’ve seen Dark Knight only twice, both times in a IMAX cinema. Not sure i could watch it, even on a huge telly screen, cos the IMAX scenes where mind-blowing. In the opening scene, when the camera tips out the window and looks down the building as the robbers begin to zip-line across to the bank, my head spun. And it

why yes, i was wondering what Power Rangers vs Godzilla movie would look like directed by Wes Anderson.

i hadn’t until you mentioned it, and now i’m sad...

sooooo.... is it fair to say that Seth is good dude? Please advise if he’s said anything objectionable about oh lets say, anything at all. 

I miss Fake Stan Lee

saw this in a cinema, and took awhile to get into the super slow groove. Fidgeted quite a bit during that opening shot. Thought the slowly-emerging star in the black sky where spots on the film. Got really annoyed a few minutes later when i thought the sun coming up in the bottom corner was the light from an open door

yeah, that spoiled my bit, didn’t it?! For real tho, how is Lance not in a superhero movie? The voice and glare should get him in the door alone.

that white-haired fella to the left of Crowe could be Scott Glenn... is Stick in this too?