21 miles? More like 84 quarter miles amiright
21 miles? More like 84 quarter miles amiright
Lol at *laughs in spanish* subtitle on that ARMA one. Like, it’s a different laugh.
On the speedometer: Never under-estimate the power of inadequate grounding on these 80s cars. Search out the electrical grounds, if you haven’t already, and clean them, sand the contacts a tad, and re-tighten.
If you get 3 other friends together to drive them in one direction simultaneously, you can change the rotation of the earth from the ridiculous amount of torque they all have.
Things I like to do when I get undressed?
You, an econombox appliance driver: My car won a JD Power Award
Gone In Sixty Two Seconds.
The electricity grid is in far better shape than the hydrogen grid.
“yeah, like that but with less function and more
I tried.
Zero cars have souls.
Hailcat ??
I think it’s because Aventador, when it first came out, already looked like a silly special edition. Compare the original Murcielago (or the normal LP640) against an SV, then compare a vanilla Aventador against its facelift and SV. With the Murcielago, there is a clear progression from a “simple” supercar, to a…
It’s lorry
“You can see I left 2 big black marks one from the front and one from the rear tires”
One small issue.
The answer is obvious. It needs a lowering kit.
His most successful tunnelling endeavour to date