Spoiler Alert

Isn’t he related to Otm Shank?

The headline is misleading.  Not getting selected as one of the few western movies to be screened in China is not the same as being banned.

Good point, but I’ll add that it is not nearly as restrictive as it used to be. Several of my colleagues here in Shanghai have non-Shanghai hukous, but can live and work in the city without issue. The main problem is that they can’t buy homes here unless they are married, or have lived here a certain number of years.

Yeah, Kinja isn’t blocked in China! Thank you!

— We're talking the original dog from Hell!
— You mean Cerberus?

I love how Singapore has "no durian" signs posted in the metro system — the kind with a red circle with a slash through it.

I live in Shanghai, and in my opinion it's comparable to blue cheese, although the actual flavor isn't as strong. While I've tried it, it's not something that I eat often. My most common encounter with stinky tofu is while running through town. Sometimes I'll come across a stand selling the stuff, and breathing in

Yes, I have heard that — that ketchup originates in China. Although at least in Mandarin, ketchup and tomato sauce (such as for pasta) have the same word: 番茄酱. They are both tomato sauce, although really quite different. I recently had a conversation with a Chinese friend who wanted to know the difference between

Last year, while at a Chinese joint in Ohio, I ordered off the Chinese-language menu and got the soup of the day. The lady at the table next to me asked what I had, since she hadn't seen it before. It was 酸菜肚皮汤, or "sliced pig stomach and pickled vegetable soup". From the look on her face, I'm pretty sure she

After living in China for over a decade, I am way more open to eating different kinds of food, particularly organs and other parts of animals that Americans typically won't touch. When I go back to the US, the kind of food you get in most places seems boring — particularly fish. I want to see the whole fish, not just

Needs a record scratch

You called?

This sounds right up there with my audiobook version of "Jimmy James: Macho Business Donkey Wrestler".

Certainly a lot better than my metro rail commute this morning. Cool idea!

Feels like an Arby's night

Chock full of Notes!

The secret ingredient … is salt.

Just like Rolo candies. "Can you give me a Rolo?" "Pass me a few of those Rolo." I hate it when people say Rolos.

Feels like an Arby's night.

Yes, the parking spaces in China are all marked with white lines. Other than that, there are no common marking standards. One would think they could simply paint the curb. But, there are also always parking attendants to collect the fee even when automated machines are available. Gotta create jobs!