Spoiler Alert

This video has got to be at least two years old. It was making the rounds on the Chinese Internet a while ago. Did it really take this long to get OUT of the firewall?

Fuck that shit

I wish I could upvote this more. You had me in tears laughing.

What about Otm Shank?

Dental plan. Lisa needs braces.

NewsRadio, Bill's crispy sandwiches from the sandwich machine, "Just like Mom used to make."

I was so hoping the Bill Gates impersonator would make an appearance after this exchange.

— Shelley Long, I'm trying to remember the name of her all day, you know the woman, the actress? Was trying to remember, driving me crazy…
—Oh, Shelley Long. Yeah she's good.
—Yeah she is, isn't she?

If I recall correctly, at Shanghai's World Expo back in 2010, one of the Chinese pavilions had a movie in 6D! Trippy! Although their D's were 3D movie + shaking + wind + water mist. Alas, I was unable to personally witness the birth of the universe through their 6D technology.

Dude, tomorrow's already the 10th.

I saw StS a couple weeks ago in China, where it has also been released. All of us enjoyed it — wife and 4 year old. What's funny is that McDonalds in Chins is in Minions marketing overdrive, but the release date was delayed six weeks or so — along with a lot of other foreign media — presumably to force people to see

Did somebody call?

I yell that at my sister all the time. "If you used the non-stick pan, it wouldn't stick! WHY DO YOU THINK THEY CALL IT NON-STIIIIIIIIIIIICK!!"

It refers to National Bohemian Beer from Baltimore. Natty Bo!

Yeah, she could have served that Taiwanese shaved ice with the beans on top, "bubble tea", or put a lot of Hello Kitty all over the house. (Yes, yes, I know that Hello Kitty is from Japan, but it was from Taipei that I suffered an Eva Air flight to Shanghai completely decked out in Hello Kitty gear, from the aircraft

I heard it as 放屁 (fang4 pi4), which literally means to fart, but really means "bull crap" or similar. Another common one in Chinese is 狗屁 (gou3 pi4), which means "dog fart", but I believe this one is only slightly more offensive. (Disclaimer: I am not a native Chinese speaker.) The Chinese teacher in Tampa was

Yeah, those feet sure looked raw to me. I have them every so often, as I live in Shanghai, but they're usually picked and spicy. Not a lot to eat on them, but not so disgusting either. I've had much stranger foods living 8+ years in Asia.

Otm Shank?

I live in Shanghai, and several buildings don't have a 4th floor, 13th floor, or 14th floor. On the flip side, many Chinese business hotels have rooms that all start with lucky number 8. For example, Room 8602 is on the 6th floor.

In Soviet Russia, case clamshells you.