
Clean *late* hit you mean Tim.

Also, fuck the Cowboys. And the Seahawks.

Something about a slide into a prayer... something about playing hot potato on the side line before spiking the ball.

Somebody else make the joke for me.

"Who're you? ... We don't know who you are.."

To be fair, no one else really knows who either of them are. That's why they're in the CFL.

Umad Albert?

It's the gaming community's fault for letting publishers get away with this DLC crap in the first place.

They offered us shiny, stupid little trinkets at first and the majority ate them up. Now they add hours of content as extra from day one.

We only have ourselves to blame.

Aren't those two of the most important things I'd be looking for in a quality LOTR video game? Why are they tucked away as extra downloadable content, for which I need to shell out more cash?

Magary really has become lazier than ever...

The Great Destroyer remix was (for me) the best track off that album. The Saul Williams "Survivalism" version that got "leaked" but didn't make the album over the one that did is a close second.

Stop covering "sawtting" and for fucks sake, if you're going to cover it, do NOT put prank anywhere in the article. Even in quotations. This bullshit is not a prank and the word shouldn't ever be used at all in anything related to this bullshit.

Odds on "was really drunk and tried to jump in the pool but missed?"


The Fastest Ocarina of Time Playthrough So Far, Explained


You're welcome.

*insert something about Jose Canseco here*

Because 106.7 used the clip to promote Dukes' new solo show... How stupid are you?

This GIF perfectly sums up everything that *isn't* happening in the video. Well done.

Magary is really reaching to let everyone know that he's and edgy hipster now...

Based on the replies posted further down, you should just change your name to WhiteKnight.

To be fair ... All gods are dead, or never existed to begin with.

I wasn't trying to say it's not a callous view of life BUT your lower number in the headline sort of muddles things.

Makes for a better headline than $210,000+ I suppose.

Because the headline says one thing but the article adds quite a bit more?