
On the other hand I’m sooo tired of the hot action scenes opening then the “three days earlier...” stuff.

What line?

Agreed about the sense of place, season one was sooo great sense of place. The cinematography was so wonderful in that season. I don’t like the style as much in this one.

“For years, everyone’s been saying ‘we want more space shows!’,SyFy’s finally gone and done just that. “

“Here’s the most important thing: is the dialogue good?”

Nothing about the job, but that image in that episode is one of THE creepiest in the entire show. I put it up there with the parasite in the brain episode and eating squirming bugs. (shutter)

Check out the interview with the author on Fresh Air. It’s really interesting when they talk about the study of emotions and how anger sometimes comes from unfairness.

That sense of “there is no justice” and the importance of fairness runs deep in some people.
And as for “hazy political self-righteousness.” it might

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Thank you Esther of this. I just read a post about why we stopped going to the moon.
As a child I wanted to be an astronaut. Why? Because of how the media portrayed it.

My friend works in a lab with many lasers. Here is their sign.

“Hey Colin, it’s Spielberg on the phone. he likes your work and wants you to direct his next movie with a 200 million dollar budget. What do ya say?”

You know when I think about SG-A there really weren’t a lot of people I wanted to ship. Unlike SG-1’s O’Neill and Carter.

Thank you kind stranger. Seriously. I will heed your advice. And I think it says something nice about the io9 community that you wrote what you did.

Maybe not a great date movie, but a movie with one of my all time favorite tag lines. “He’s in town with a few days to kill.”

Please explain.

Had I not seen this movie with the woman I as dating I think I might have married her. And it may or may not have been a mistake. It’s like that “Sliding Doors” movie. One path not taken. But, like Back to the Future, it made me think about what I wanted to do, and what I was afraid of doing.


So, I watched the video. I read the comments and I saw the link to the photo that was clearly re-shot to look like it was from the dog’s height. But for the other shots, if they were from the dog my question is?

I disagree. I found Wells much more interesting. But of course your timeline may differ.