
Where I work, the bathrooms have a little foyer with a table where everyone puts their coffee cups or water bottles. It’s about 6 feet from the nearest stall and through a door-less doorway. I’m pretty sure no poo is going to splash into my cup from 6 feet away but I still try to avoid bringing anything into the

I feel like I could make Pajama Jammy Jam a thing, tho’

Totally stealing “strong like baby oxes.”

I read that as “more testicles.”

Ripple and Tickle Pink.

OE800, FTW.

Get it, baby!!!

Man, all you nerds need to push your glasses up your nose and STFU. Who cares if the nacelles aren’t right? It Star Trek. Even when it’s bad, it’s the best. Semper fi, you bastards.

They are capitalzing on the legalization of marijuana. If I was high AF, this would sound DELICIOUS.

Oh, Jesus. I hope it was quick. :(


You need to watch Duel. An amazing performance from Dennis Weaver. A top notch thriller.

That's some stellar nerding, right there.

I hate you.

Touching you without your permission can be assault. Check the law where you live.

H1N1 didn’t manifest as a huge pandemic precisely because of the desperate preparations. People did what they were told: get a flu shot, wash their hands often, cover their cough and stay home when they were sick.

As fuck.

I know it makes no sense but I was hoping it was Tywinn Lannister.

The Queen is so cute and cuddly!!!!!!

I’m convinced that this is some kind of fucked up, crazy, The Leftovers-type Rapture.