

Voyager really is a beautiful ship (after the original NCC-1701). I had to watch the entire series three times with several years in between before I fell in love with the show. I continue to haaaaate Torres, Paris, Chakotay, Kes and Neelix — Although I like Neelix after Kes left. Janeway was badass. That tiny woman


Am I the only one who sees this?

I was born and pretty much raised in Wesy Philly. Me and my homies spent most of the time chillin’, you know, like, maxin’ and relaxin on the playground most days, trying to be all cool and shit. One day we were out shooting some hoops outside of the school when a couple of guys who were up to no good started making

I’m so glad I wasn’t the only one who made up a story about the garnish.

Oh, god damn it. Now I can't unsee that.

Her bun!! That chubby budgie!! Their wee feets!!!

lol backward knees

See. I would buy the fuck out of that if I had Koch brothers-type semoleons. Not even kidding. Broken? Don't care.

That’s some good nerding, right there.

I think I was at that reunion.

I just can’t with Justin Theroux. There’s something physically off about him. Is he short? His head is either too big or too small. I can’t decide. Does he color his hair and eyebrows with shoe black? He reminds me of the dude who always got the lead in community theater productions of A Streetcar Named Desire.

My aunt had her youngest at 54. She thought she had cancer. She never went to the doctor because she figured that if the cancer was that big and growing that fast, she was already a dead woman. She figured out that she was pregnant when her water broke while she was standing in the kitchen. Amniotic fluid has a

My mom talked about being able to “tell the future” like it was no big deal. There was all kinds of crazy in her family so a kid who could predict who was going to, say, call on the telephone in the next five minutes was not strange. It was never big things. Although, a couple of times she wouldn’t let us go somewhere

My mom had precognitive abilities that increased with each of her four pregnancies. It completely went away when the last of us began puberty. She could also smell electrical outlets.

Incredibly sad.

I’ll be using this meme a lot today.