
Cool. Thanks for the tip.

They’re just pals hanging out, attempted murder. A pair of crows chillin’ is a bro of crows.

He walked with MLK for gods sake.

Carson should’ve taken Gifford to the Slauson Cut Off then drag him out of the car and cut off his slauson.


So throwing pennies that might cause a fatal accident sounds like a rational course of action to you? You truly believe that that is the right thing to do? You would stand before a judge and say, “Four people had to die because that guy was tailgating me.” I sincerely hope that you don't have children.

Oooooh....right. Thanks, friend!

Im having trouble understanding your method. Exactly how much space do you think is down there? Are you reaching between your thighs and wiping back to front? Help me understand.

little poop you maybe didn’t think you needed to take.

I love when Evolution gets stoned AF and is all, “Duuude. Imma make deep sea gigantism a thing.”

M-o-o-n. That spells moon.

I what way did they creep you out? I ask because I thought I was the only one in the world who got the heebie jeebies from those guys.


Angeles National Forest is one giant CRIME SCENE. Holy shit. It's serial killer heaven up in there.

lol “toast stuff”.

Yes, BUFFs make the sound of freedom even when they’re not “riding shotgun in the sky.”

Let's hope they get the English subtitles right. That subtitles in the trailer look like they were done with google translate.