
That's a beautiful fish.

That’s some apex predator thinking right there. Sharks see something in the water and the first thing they do is go up and bite it to see if it's something good to eat.

These guys don’t defy the laws of physics, they just write new ones.

My sister said the same thing! She kept smelling “fried or charred meat” and kept looking around for the restaurant that was responsible everywhere she went. It drove her crazy. She ain’t afraid of no ghosts either and said they was more annoying than anything else.

The animals, they came on, they came on by twosies, twosies. The animals, they came on, they came on by twosies, twosies. Elephants and (clap once) kangaroosies, roosies. Children of the Lord!!!!



I used to get this until I upped my water intake during the first two hours after I wake up. It might just be me but fasting acts as a diuretic with me. My fatigue was simply morning dehydration.

Lol sorry I wasn’t clear. I wasn’t in a relationship with her. We all went to the same parties. She was on the periphery of my circle of friends and I started seeing her boyfriend when they were “taking a break.” Now that I think about it, maybe she was tying to kill me!

If I wasn't allergic, I'd totally roll with your cat.

Also sold to pedophiles. :(

I have the same allergies except that oranges and avocado can kill me. This chick — whose boyfriend I yoinked — assured me that 7layer bean dip didn’t have avocado. 4 hours later I woke up in the ER with a tube down my throat. Bitch didn’t believe me.

Breast reduction surgery.

Breast reduction surgery.

Holy shit.

I had sleep paralysis and nightmares. The worst thing was, I can remember most of them vividly so they continued to frighten me even during the day. Then I got a dog. Haven’t had SP since and my nightmares aren’t nearly as frequent or frightening. I think my dogs sense when it’s about to happen like the dogs trained

*gathers up all the NOPE and bounces the fuck out of this bitch*

You can't drop a comment like that and just walk away. Stories, please.
