

I wish I passed strawberry chunks. Try raw chopped liver chunks so big and solid that they make a bigger splash than a poo. * photo from liver puttanesca recipe....


Whenever there's a new Doctor, I always say, "That's it. He is the one. Forget all the others. This one is my favorite Doctor. "

In an interview at a convention, Nicholas Meyer replied to a series of questions about Robin Curtis's portrayal of Saavik with a long moment of silence. She sucked, that's why she wasn't asked back.

That guy is no feminist. He's a poseur and sexual predator. Activism is just his rap.

What the show-runners of Sleepy Hollow don't get is that we don't want more Katrina, we want less Katrina. She's annoying and she'll be more annoying if we see more of her. Just make her a villain so Abbie can shoot her tiresome ass and be done with it. Better yet, put Katrina back in purgatory, put a mask and horns

That lace wig, doe.

Right?!!!! OMG

That's a good idea. Every other country on the planet should require vaccination records before any American is allowed in. I say Americans because we have free and easy access to vaccines. France would looooove that.

Hella — 10 ^27.

I'm the darkest child and on more than one occasion, my parents were asked if I was the only one from Africa. My hand to God.

I'm so pissed that my dumbass bought a piece of shit Keurig!

lol butthorn

They should've mailed it to the Marx brothers.

For example, I graduated at the top of my class, one year early, while founding the first student run United way on my campus, working full-time and volunteering at my local boys and girls club and interning.

That Klan dude had some pretty kinky hair...

Go back to junior high and convince my parents to put me on ADHD meds.

It wouldn't hurt to find out what he's up to now. Nothing to lose?

I like the cut of your jib.