
Joe was schizophrenic with benign auditory hallucinations. He was not at all violent. He was smelly but strangely not dirty or poorly groomed. If he were talking into a cell phone, you would not peg him as mentally ill. He had a clear understanding of his condition and could speak intelligently about it. He was as


I'm a girl who loves planes and I could fap to this article right here. Yes. You totally wanted to know that.

OMG. Same thing with 2)! I was counting the cash I stole while sitting at the bus stop in a sketchy hood at 2am. A whopping $7.


WTF is it with English professors?! I fucked another one and was like, "Is this a thing with you guys?!"

I fucked the groundskeeper in the garden shed of the church next door to my house. He was hot in a Vincent D'Onofrio Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Dead kind of way. He was 6'4" and muscular but a little soft around the middle, with a hairy butt and a girthsome dick. He had thick hair and long eyelashes. He bent me

You can have my Spanx when you pry it from my cold, dead ass.

Check your privilege. Seriously.

The bipolar mom might be the sanest of them all.

I am laughing so hard at this! Why only his clothes? All of his clothes? Why is that so funny to me?

She's 13 years old?!

Big fat THIS. Holy shit. "I felt like I got hit by a truck" is not hyperbole. Even your hair hurts.


As parents, they didn't have the courage to love their child unconditionally. As Christians, they didn't ask, "What would Jesus do?" People who call themselves Christians print that shit on t-shirts and bump stickers and paint it on fucking picket signs. But they rarely live up to the answer.

"frequent even keel feeling"

Just throwing it out there.

You couldn't pay me to go back on SSRIs. Maybe also check out what's going on with your hormones. All that stuff sort of goes hand-in-hand. Fortunately, I had a doctor who was willing to tinker around with the different types of birth control pills in combo with Wellbutrin. For me it was going to a slightly lower dose

That's a beautiful kid.