
I'd be interested to know the population's demographics: ethnicity, gender, education, etc. Also, is everybody fucking everybody else? Is there a movie theater? Internet?

I am laughing so hard at this! Why only his clothes? All of his clothes? Why is that so funny to me?

Robots can't get you pregnant, right?

She's 13 years old?!

Thanks for that!

Both terrifying and cute.

This is an awesome list.

Palm Pilot piece of shit.

The only way I want to hear this is if Bill Murray sings it.

It would be really intriguing if Judas was an assassin. The whole thing of Jesus knowing he was going to be betrayed, in my opinion, I think Jesus instructed Judas to out him. What's the beast way to create a groundswell of rebellion? Create a martyr.

"He was neither anti or pro establishment; his view of salvation was focused on the human soul. "

Big fat THIS. Holy shit. "I felt like I got hit by a truck" is not hyperbole. Even your hair hurts.

Plants growing out of furniture? In certain parts of the country, they look at you funny if you don't. Come look at my Uncle Dub the sometime pig farmer's back yard. There's plants growing out of furniture, cars and the bones of a couple of hogs.

Are you that much of an asshole that you would make a statement about the horrific deaths of children just to serve your own purposes? Go fuck yourself.

I'm totally stealing this.

Then flood the place with holy water.


As parents, they didn't have the courage to love their child unconditionally. As Christians, they didn't ask, "What would Jesus do?" People who call themselves Christians print that shit on t-shirts and bump stickers and paint it on fucking picket signs. But they rarely live up to the answer.

Werewolf imprinting on vampire fetus.