
Gorn are not barbaric! The Enterpirse nearly shook apart trying to catch the Gorn ship and it was established that the Gorn captain was merely defending Gorn territory from invaders, just as Kirk would have. They were warp-capable, had superior weapons and were very skilled at setting traps. So there.

That was hot.

Is it sticky enough to make caramel popcorn?

A halo deck in a skillet.

"Insane Daleks" is now the name of my new band.

That is a picture of Creepy Jesus.

Hey! Cool. Thanks!

I thought so, too. Stronger yet more vulnerable than Bill Bixby's Banner — Bixby still being the best.

On my way.

Why did I click on that? Why?! Jesus!

I hate Anne. I have to stop what I'm doing and lie down with a cold compress on my forehead, I hate her so much. Thing is, she'd hold the cold compress to my head and stroke my hair and ask what she could do to help and tell me that she's there for me if I need anything but will give me my space if I just really need

I elbowed a guy in the sternum for touching my hair. If I had a nickle for every time someone touched my hair without my permission, I'd be rich. If I had a penny for every time someone ASKED to touch my hair, I'd be richer. "Can I touch your hair?" Really? Fuck you. And the skin thing, too. Yes, I'm over 40 and don't

"Weaves and Envy" shall be the name of my new band.

Beautiful people are what Trek needs. Kirk, Spock and Uhura were gorgeous. Fans watched because they wanted to see *those people*. Star Trek had sex appeal even by today's standards. You can talk about story and philosophy until you're blue in the balls. Nobody cared about the ships. Cool aliens were cool. Whatever.

Jay Justice is a seriously badass name.

"Well-spoken" irks me. He's going to Harvard. That he communicates well should go without saying.


Ha! Just saw this. Thanks!

30 years ago today, I got this haircut for my 18th birthday.

Fascist, Mirror Universe uniforms.