
Oh, you’re only saying that because it’s true.

I don't think continuing to rehash this shitshow helps anyone.

It is just such a need to be right by Chapelle at this point that if this means bigger profits for him from fans he wouldn’t normally align himself with a decade ago, then it also gives him more of a platform to prove he’s right.

I laughed.

Out of all the fast food breakfast sandwiches I’ve had nothing beats a McDonalds steak egg and cheese on a bagel.

Kind of jumping the gun on the live action series being unsuccessful there.

No one likes a quitter. 

Wait so he was concerned about the character appearing in a spin off title (that has not once affected stories or anything really in the characters’ respective main games), muddying the lore of his series which is already a gigantic clusterfuck?

I also feel like modders are in heaven. Instead of fighting over that one empty stretch of road near Whiterun, they can just scatter and grab one of the random procedural planets and make the whole thing over with little risk of conflict with another mod. 

 Or Bojack Horseman.

Honestly, I feel like the most significant thing there is that ES6 is still in pre-production. Admittedly I haven’t payed the closest attention, but I’d have expected much more progress than that. I guess the same team is involved with this and Starfield? Feels kind of odd given they have three separate dev teams just

It’s really hard to tell if that’s true, honestly.  I’ve known some men over the years who are like that, but I’ve known a lot of women who are mentally abusive to the people in their orbit and never get called out on it.

You had to pay to see Titanic. Harassing people on the streets is free.

...does anyone at the site even remember they - along with that satirical newspaper - started in Madison, Wisconsin?

Beginning life as the back-page supplement to a satirical newspaper and later setting up a home base in Chicago—a city that prides itself on rejecting the mainstream appeal of the coasts—The A.V. Club built its reputation on being a website that preferred to be a little outside. Rather than catering exclusively

It’s a fun thing to look back on, now that both LoT and the AV Club are over.

Why is this a video?
Why is there no accompanying text to even indicate if this is a new report or something you’ve also written about? If the former, why? If the latter, why?

Worse.  Slideshows are bad, but can be read through without sound.  Videos without text can’t, making them worse.

Was there a huge market for this? Were the masses clamoring for this to be updated? Modern gameplay and visuals? Is TLOU some ancient relic here? I get remastering things from like Wii and earlier. But this?

See, I disagree that Frank’s Red Hot and Sriracha are interchangeable. They may have a similar heat profile but the acidic brightness of Frank’s Red Hot is very vinegary while the same brightness in Sriracha is more pepper-forward. For me, the test of hot sauce compatibility would be Mexican cuisine. I’m just not a