
It’s a conundrum, because normally if someone makes a request you don’t want to fulfill, you tell them to fuck off. But if the request is to tell them to fuck off...

Yep. It’s fun for lots and lots of people to discuss shows with people while waiting for the next. It’s cool that you prefer to binge. But people enjoying the wait seems to really upset you, though, so that’s funny at least

Now playing

There’s tons of positive representation of New Jersey in the media:

Okay pro-tip. Maybe review more and summarize less. I got half way through this and was like “okay I can’t read anymore of this or the whole episode will be spoiled”.  

It’s refreshing and empowering to finally see some positive media representation for a people as maligned, mischaracterized and misunderstood as people from New Jersey.

The pre-release media frenzy over the supposedly incendiary flick went well beyond simple caution, IMO. If anything, it practically dared some unhinged miscontent to do the very thing it accused the movie of glorifying - and then the movie turned out to be about a sad loser who gives his own mother a bath. And the

Remember when there was a lot of Very Serious Discourse about how Joker was going to be a horrifically incendiary movie that would inspire a legion of psychopathic incels to go on mayhem sprees, and then it turned out to be a pretty okay flick and nothing happened?

Considering he’s referencing the first Borat film I’d actually argue that that’s even a bit of a dated reference. And now I feel old. Assuming you are older than I.

The team had basically no budget, that’s why they didn’t have voices at the start. The devs are a super great team with almost no resources. 

“As for why voiced characters weren’t already in the game, the developers haven’t yet responded to Kotaku’s request for comment, but at launch it was assumed to be a budget issue.”

It was objectively underbaked. My buddy and I bought it because nostalgia and some decent word of mouth. It was like the devs ran out of money or something, so much of the game seemed to either be missing or slapped together in a way that no one could have thought was reasonable for a game in this day and age. Playing

This show did for Kate Bush and this song what the skateboarder drinking the cranberry juice did for Fleetwood Mac and Dreams. If it gets young people to discover good music, I’m good with that.

She’s written consistently haunting and beautiful music for nearly fifty years. Stunning voice, talented musician, composer, and dancer.

“like most of our castmates, we have been pigeonholded to our Office characters and unable to really do anything substantial or worthwhile since it ended.” 

If you haven’t noticed yet, the site is dying. It’s been bleeding writers since forever, and the community has been shifting to bigotry more and more in recent years.

The best anything is full of butter. These are things we know. 

I’m an asshole guy for different reasons and I’m not saying it’s not a big deal, but I would wear a dress to a big premiere deal or gala or whatnot.

Because fuck ‘em, that’s why.

literally not a single racial or gendered connotation there. Nice try, loser. Learn to read.

Good god, what a pompous ratbag