
See, now this really does feel like the AV Club of yore. An article where the writer has clearly had to suffer, significantly, for many many hours, in order to put together a retrospective that’s so much more insightful than the relative crap it’s covering deserves that the contrast is staggering.

Yo, AVCLUB was actually at something and now there’s an article about it? Is it 2014?

On one hand I’m very pro union, but on the other I do find the very concept of a reality star union to be fucking ridiculous. I mean, I’ve never watched any Real Housewives but isn’t like half the appeal that all these women are pretty much already living in the laps of luxury? If there really are problems on set,

I thought the “live” aspect was the big draw.

Saw it tonight. It was fun enough, but an A is ridiculous (a little bit of grade inflation to showcase progressive bona fides, but it’s the AV Club, so to be expected). My issue was mostly pacing—it takes a while to get to the first fight sequence, then even longer to get to the next, and there isn’t enough that’s

This musty IP cannot be killed.

Sounds dreadful.......’ think I’ll stick to Downton. – maxadrian, tynemouth, December 2014

Given its intensely personal nature, any faults in The People’s Joker are nearly indistinguishable from its appeal.

It’s like finding out that a vending machine actually has a poor person locked inside it that is forced to take money and send out the right drink. Incredibly dystopian.

“who would have been between 15 and 21 years old at the time of the incident”

“Well, the title of this episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm, “Ken/Kendra” certainly gave me pause and had me wondering if some transphobic stuff was in store.”

my character being picked apart by people who don’t know me and disrespecting my name. I didn’t sign up for this shit

My God. A slide show filled with video clips. Could you have possibly put any less effort into this?

His balls

I’m sorry, I thought this was America.

Future showings of the film should come with a complementary Dune 2 popcorn bucket.

the theater’s manager confirmed that there would be an ongoing investigation into the incident.

Awesome! Loved this back in the Beta. Hopefully WB doesn’t kill it between now and May.

Huh? People from all generations can think weddings themed around entertainment franchises are stupid.

How could you have Tony Soprano on this list but not include Walter White?