
I think a majority of the audience developed this opinion shortly following KH2

Bloodborne isn’t my all-time favorite game, but I still consider it to be one of the most objectively perfect games I’ve ever played for what it accomplishes to do. The only shortcoming I can really point to with this game is the Chalice Dungeons, which are entirely optional.
Seeing posts like these with modders still

First contender for best headline of 2020

A nuanced and sensible take on a Kotaku article... that’s ALSO top voted? 2020 is continuously catching me off-guard.
wonderful handle btw 

People have mentioned before that the ratings for this show have been a bit skewed on this site and I’ve mostly disagreed — but now I honestly can’t say they’re wrong after this one. How you feel about this episode is entirely subjective (imo i thought worst one from this batch so far), but literally half of the

If there’s any spin-off from this show that I’m 100% here for — it’s one revolving around Squidward.

??? now you’re just making no sense lol so whatever 

That’s right — I forgot we’re dealing with one of the shittiest fandoms lurking on the web! I officially take full blame on this one setting myself up for failure :)

Katie’s been a regular on the site for a while. There was an article posted shortly after this review talking about Yoda that was specifically formatted to block the spoiler, so...

Damn I really hate being that guy — but spoiling that Yoda is part of the show in the first few lines of the review (that show up on the homepage of the site) is a little rough for a series that’s only been out for a few short days

I’m just disappointed that they’ve entirely moved away from the handdrawn 2D animation from the prior two films. Regardless of how you feel about the quality of either of those films, they at least looked gorgeous. The second one especially being a breath of fresh air in this CGI dominated market 

Nothing but love for Alex and this contestant.

This is definitely the unpopular opinion in this thread — but I gotta represent. RDR2 blew my mind in a way gaming hasn’t in a long time. I understand that the extremely slow methodical gameplay didn’t click with a lot of people. For some reason it was the exact thing I never knew I wanted.

You know what Zack? I’ve been thoroughly enjoying your tenure as Weekend Editor on this site, but after that Waluigi jab you can kindly fuck yourself

It definitely seems like a game that has an extremely solid original idea that needs to be further refined with future sequels 

Ugh. How disheartening. Say what you will about Kotaku but the staff has proven time and time again that they genuinely care about their readers and the feedback they receive. I really respected seeing that article. Not surprised by this outcome.

This was another stellar episode but I think the Whitewhale presentation video was an example of Bojack at its worst — extremely self-indulgent. It started off great with the vertical integration and oligopoly caricatures but it dragged on wayyy longer than necessary and quickly came off as preachy. Loved the classic

I don’t think the dynamic between the main five has ever been used as well as it was in this episode.

The relationship between Carolyn and Bojack is also one of my favorite aspects of this show and it seems to get less attention every season, but imo this episode almost 100% delivered on that end. Their convos are

Agreed! I felt like the miniseries in particular (Stakes, Islands, and Elements) were huuuuge pay-offs for people that had been following from the start. I watched the show from the very first episode airing and was in love — but what kept me so interested with the series was how willing it was to gradually develop

To be honest they very well could be getting paid to advertise this game — but I can say that the first PvZ Garden Warfare game has given me endless hours of entertainment. It definitely had the same grip over me that Team Fortress 2 and Overwatch has had in the past. I haven’t played any of the second Garden Warfare