
I cannot emphasize how excited I am this is on PS4. I played a bit on a friend’s Xbox and genuinely fell in love — but he was backseating like crazy which (at the time) seemed almost entirely detrimental to what the game tries to accomplish for the player.

“There are weaknesses I can feel in my body,” he said, “But I can always suck it up when it comes time to tape the show.”

I’m excited to see a lot of what looks like classic Rick and Morty adventures in this trailer. I still enjoyed the third season a lot, but the main duo definitely took a back seat in favor of other storylines. I still think the best episodes of this show come from those two getting into some deep shit and spending the

Literally just started DQ Builders 2 last night and I’ve been greatly enjoying it. Fishing is always one of my favorite parts of these types of games so this is majorly disappointing to hear

I sound way more harsh on season 5 in my original comment than I mean to be. As an individual season it’s probably my second favorite behind 3. It’s just that when I take a step back and look at it from the series as a whole I didn’t like it seemingly cancelling out the progress made the season before. I personally

This has been one of my all-time favorite shows but I’m very happy to hear that this two-part season will be the last. After having Bojack backpedal last season it pretty much became misery porn. Extremely well-made misery porn, but still misery porn.

I was literally just hopping in to say that I’m VERY happy I just so happened to watch the season one finale of The Good Place last night.... I can’t imagine having that amazing twist spoiled by this image. 

This exact thought has been ringing in my head for the past few weeks on this website. The SNL opening monologue article this morning was another huge red flag.

I feel like the credits music didn’t fit well in this episode. The lyrics were spot on, but it didn’t punch as hard as the usual ending song does. It still didn’t distract from how painful that ending scene was, though.

I meant more in the sense that this whole genre of obscure memes doesn’t seem like it would mesh well with the community (or what remains of it) that we have going here. Alongside the fact that there’s absolutely 0 material to be mined out of these videos to write for articles.

Okay I actually fully enjoy this guy and he has made me laugh several times (you left out his best video, the “Where the fuck am I bro?” one).

Whenever I tell someone to watch the show, I am very adamant that they cannot judge the show until they finish this episode. All of my friends have loved the show except for one person.

Oh this is bad.

They stepped their game up in season 3 when they realized they needed to build those plots into the extended murder-sequences that everyone loved, but I think that just about every fan of the show will agree that it peaked in its first season.

*uncomfortably smiles and logs off AV Club for the day*

She wouldn't be calling me a shitty hunter if she knew how many casually racist Trump-supporters I have to deal with every time I go out to provide her with the vanilla ice cream that she loves so dearly!

So we should expect to see them on the living room carpet any minute now…

I'll never forget waking up early for work one morning and feeling a loud crunch under my foot as I was walking out of my bedroom. Turns out I had just stepped on a dead mouse that my cat left for me.

Wow you have picked an amazing game to break into the RPG world. I was actually in the same boat about 10 years ago where Oblivion was the first open-world RPG I played, and to this day it still remains my absolute favorite game ever. You're in for a wild ride… so many gorgeous scenes to take in with the beautiful

Bojack was renewed for a 4th season the morning after season 3 episodes were dropped, so hopefully we don't have to worry too much about our favorite depressed horse.