
Oblivion will always be my all-time favorite game. I'm sure if I was playing it for the first time now, I definitely wouldn't give it that much praise, but there's just something about the atmosphere and music with that game that has never come close to being replicated.

Lousy Smarch articles…

*looks at comments below* …ehhh….

Trust me, I definitely didn't read it as that. Reading above shows a lot of people debating over jokes in the comments, but this one wasn't a direct joke about the event… unlike the ones above.

Before anyone else replies, I just wanted to say that this joke made me laugh out loud at work.

This sounds genuinely interesting. I should probably wait until I'm done with work at the children's hospital to watch it.

I've stolen jokes from Robert Alexander Kaseberg and by gum it put HIM on the map!

I was so disappointed when halfway through this game I realized I just wanted to beat it for the sake of being done with it. They were trying to fuse the combat of Dark Souls with Bloodborne and was just so unsatisfying.

God I know exactly what you mean with Nioh. I absolutely love how fluid the combat feels in the game, but the enemies you fight aren't interesting, and the bosses are such a slog to get through. I go to the giant centipede boss and bought Horizon and haven't even considered Nioh since then. Definitely get Horizon… it

Night in the Woods will definitely hit its stride for you soon. The supernatural elements hit hard and fast after a certain point in the game. I personally preferred everything before that, though, which is where you're at right now.

Speaking of superior foreign soda… I took a trip to Spain a few years back, with one of my favorite high school teachers and best friends. We were in the middle of a long walking tour in Madrid, so I decided to get a Fanta from a soda machine. It was in a very odd (but neat!) looking bottle, and it tasted WONDERFUL.

"So we had sex with the same dead guy. That doesn't make us friends."

I've always been in the minority for not liking most of the songs on this show, and this one was no different. Everyone always seems to adore each song and I never fully understood it. I was watching this one with my girlfriend and in the middle of the "What's The Use of Feeling Blue" she said "…man, this show doesn't

You know, I've been trying to play games like Skyrim, Fallout 4, New Vegas, Oblivion, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Witcher 3, FFXV, all that lately. Then I realized that right now these are basically all the games I own. What used to completely blow my mind away in games like Oblivion and Fallout 3 are now just routine.

I had that exact same experience last spring with that game. I was so fucking obsessed. Every night I'd be laying in bed with my girlfriend and I would pull my macbook out to get a couple of days-worth of work done. However I just eventually hit the point where I never came back. I tried going back again a couple

A lot of people who jumped in the Elder Scrolls series at Skyrim were definitely expecting a Skyrim online with that game. If you have those kinds of expectations, the game is going to disappoint you. However, if you go in just thinking of it being an MMORPG with an Elder Scrolls skin, I think you'll find a pretty

The most notable complaint was really directed at the bosses. A lot of bosses are poorly designed and felt shoe-horned in to have extra ones. Take for example, the Bell Gargoyles (which are completely ripped from DS1, instead now there's 5 instead of 2!), Royal Rat Authority (there's three rats at the beginning that

I love Dark Souls and Bloodborne (Bloodborne being in the Top 3 gams of all time for me… Dark Souls easily in Top 10)… Dark Souls II was one I never got into (before it was cool to hate on it) and while I beat Dark Souls III, I sold it immediately after. My biggest problem with the game was all of the two-phase

What the hell

I don't have much to add to the discussion here, because everyone has already provided very solid counter-arguments to your stupidity.