You’re so fucking hot when you’re crying...
You’re so fucking hot when you’re crying...
Identity politics sucks and is evil.
Yup. Mommy and daddy probably should have been doing that a long time ago, tbh. These little shits think this is all so funny because they’ve never had to suffer any real consequences for their actions.
This little coward needs a good ass-whooping. Nothing crazy, but enough to scare the shit out of him and teach him a lesson.
Is that true?! They taught you guys that slavery “wasn’t that bad”? What year was this?
This is weird to me. If you want to get to know your neighbors just go over and say hi. It’s literally the easiest intro you’ll ever have to do. “Hi! I’m your next door neighbor. How’s it going?”
Seems more and more like the Confederacy doesn’t realize the war is over.
“It’s time to choose a side.”
Lining your trunk with plastic before you throw a dead body into it.
Joseph Pinion is BAKED!
Your wife is white so she’s automatically the devil and has nothing important to say. I’m sure deep down she’s also a racist and secretly supports Trump in her disgusting caucasian heart.
Just be drunk all the time. Problem solved.
Because she’s not using her sex hole right. Duh.
Jesus. Write better.
I’ll leave this here for you guys. You can jump to 2:10.
If you can’t be rich, be good lookin’!
Unless you’re an actor.
No. But the Koch brothers are.