
C.K. said he was “remorseful”, which is a commonly accepted synonym for being sorry.

Testimony is evidence. Women step up and say “this happened to me,” and that is evidence. With most rape, harassment and assault cases, that’s all the evidence you’ll get just because of the nature of the crime.

That’s why so many people were so incensed about the Brock Turner case, because finally two men caught a

FUCK no I will not do my adult kid’s laundry. I will not do my kid-kid’s laundry as soon as they are able to do it themselves.

He did write about his brother, and that entailed writing about their marriage. I got the sense that Joan scared him (not for no reason, either). I miss Dunne too. He brought to light many injustices and righted many wrongs in his life, and did it all while entertaining the hell out of the peanut gallery.

I miss Dominick Dunne. “I first met [somewhat famous rich person revealed to be a murderer] at [somewhat famous socialite]’s Palm Beach house in the late 1970s...”

Stray cats? My cat has a damned home and she still tries to murder me. She’s going to regret it when she succeeds and then can’t open her own cans of food.

What?! How would his “sex-manager,” not be aware of this?

Not a name I’m familiar with. I thought the 90's NYC mag culture had a lock on this and Moss would be a shoe-in. But I’m interested to see what she does with this. Since the Trump coverage has ramped up, I’m really missing my “sordid crimes of the rich and decadent” stories.

It’s a self-perpetuating dynamic. As society polarizes, people will naturally withdraw into the social circles in which they feel the most comfortable. As polarization rises, so does tribalism. Our society is at risk of devolving even further toward this model of a bunch of mistrustful, hateful tribes. A tribal

I’ll never completely forgive them for doing away with Michael Lutin’s amazingly prescient horoscopes. We recently sold our apartment and I debated for about a minute, not taking my collection of back issues but in the end I still imagine myself one day leafing through December of 1986. There’s a goldmine of Trump

I’m sure there are good people on both sides of these hate crimes.

Here comes the liberal circular firing squad.

Another thing the liberal mind is great at is shitting all over anyone who isnt their own version of perfection.

My husband and I are having our Friendsgiving party this Saturday! I’m so excited.

The original game wasn’t really written for a Triss romance, which is unfortunate as I’d really enjoyed her romance back through the first Witcher game. Things like Wolven Storm or that some of the initial dialogue implied that Yennefer and Geralt were still together even if they weren’t.

But this kind of had an


Eh, I would dispute one point of your argument: I’ve taken to referring to Geralt as The Bitcher because most of his “quips” just come across as a grumpy old man complaining.

Anybody who thinks running a restaurant is an easy life has clearly never been in one as anything other than a customer. Food service is among the most time-suckingly brutal of industries. You’re never away from the job.

Nobody neeeeeeeeds a 20oz high capacity assault water.