Splint Chesthair

The Brandon Routh shade is real :(

I saw him once, at a bowling alley in Charlotte, NC. Couple years ago, something like that. Most of my friends who were there didn’t really believe me, even though it was pretty clearly him, until I busted out my phone and confirmed that he was doing two shows at a small club (had done one that night, and would do one

You have to stand up to racists, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the bleachers.

Thank goodness somebody made this about Boston.  Good job.

you can clearly see the same guy who shouted “spic” screaming, “Beaners! Spics!””

Bitch.... Michelle O accomplished more in her life BEFORE she became first lady than you and your whole tornado bait trailer trash family have ever even read about. Double Ivy League Graduate. Lawyer. Hospital Administrator. Mother. Go getter. Accomplisher of many things, not the least of which is to be married to a

“OK, the cops are all stuck in the sewers. First thing we need to do is send down supplies, it’d be just plain wacky to expect them to live down there for months with no food, and then-”

Based on your track record, you’re right. You will absolutely NEVER cease to be amazed at this perceived slight. Right up to your dying day, you will continue to mewl and whinge like a helpless infant bird for the regurgitated masticate of things you like that already exist. And in your pea-brained baby-bird logic,

I think Laurence Fishburne as well? Perry White, Bill Foster and the voice of the Silver Surfer.

Fair point. All apologies to Egg Shen.

“... Brought to you by Lootcrate, for all your pop culture, geek and gamer swag and here’s the thing guys we all hate post offices, so save time by printing your own shipping at home with stamps.com.”

We go to the game Sunday. I’m drinking airplane bottles of whatever I can find. I find my seat in the stadium, watch the kickoff, then wake up with 4 minutes left in the fourth quarter.

What a hypocrite. He’s been stretching that shirt out for YEARS. 

“I meant everything I said, I’m just not comfortable with the people who agree with it.”

National treasure John Goodman in 10 Cloverfield Lane. Holy shit.

I remember picking up Joe Bob Goes To The Drive-In when I was a tween and being absolutely mesmerized with his vignettes and the characters in his columns. The fact that as a young’un I was too scared to even think about watching some of the movies he reviewed also played a part, and his humor and common sense made

I for one would love to see a discussion about the response to TLJ without people insisting that everyone who disagrees treats everyone else like an idiot asshole. I’ve seen countless thoughtful, agree-to-disagree opinions here on the AV Club alone. This whole idea that everyone who disagrees gets painted as [whatever