Splint Chesthair

President Camacho was a man who saw a crisis and turned to who was literally the smartest man in the world to fix it. And he succumbed to the pressures of big buisness, as many politicians will, but ultimately science and reason won the day and that smartest man in the world became his political successor in a

This has been going on for a long time. Everything is perfect, or else it is crap. It’s a digital world we live in and values between zero and one are not recognized.

I always wanted Artie Moreno to just rename the team Los Angeles de Anaheim. But I have a feeling the just-under-the radar racists in Orange County would go absolutely apeshit.

“Pure electricity—in my pants.”

Mr. Vishnevetsky, at long last — have you no decency?  

*slams shoe on table*

It’s unfortunate times when we have to take our president’s low intelligence and maturity as a plus or a silver lining. At least Mike Pence isn’t Dick Cheney!

EDIT: He’s worse in a lot of ways, but he’s not a Machiavellian schemer who planned his pupper master-like rise for 25 years...

That’d involve more people in the legislative genuinely liking him at the most, trusting him at the least

gorgeous blonde who was my first true love and we made passionate love in the hayloft of her parents barn and ended with a drop dead gorgeous red head from Cleveland.

Lord knows that when I look back on all the women I’ve loved, I primarily think about the men they worked for.

Now playing

Let’s see Chopped use rubber cement as an ingredient!

Dammit, all the clues I had pointed to Bugs Meany!

I kinda hope he doesn’t.

“you treat your stepmother with respect Pantera” is still one of the funniest fuckin lines ever.

I really struggle to believe anyone is that oblivious that they aren’t aware / have never considered why they find catharsis in shouting racial slurs. He knows the connotations of what he’s doing and does it anyway.

One time I got so frustrated playing Ninja Gaiden I burned a cross on my neighbors lawn.

I’m a pretty angry driver sometimes. Mostly because people don’t know there’s a special road you can drive on if you want to drive slowly and it’s called “Not the Fucking Highway”. I do a fair amount of screaming and curse at shit drivers, whether I’m alone or with someone in the car. And yet I’ve never dropped an

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