Splint Chesthair

When I was a kid my school library had this book that was supposed to illustrate what the human race would look like after another million years of evolution. There was some wild shit in it, like huge furry albino man-apes that lived at the polar ice caps, or things that looked like balloon animals that were

Perhaps not coincidentally, Stan always nailed it whenever writing a character with an elevated opinion of himself. Namor, Doom, J. Jonah Jameson, etc.

For better or worse, nothing was beneath Stan Lee.

If you add up the worldwide box office numbers of every movie Stan Lee has ever appeared in, it totals more than $12 billion. In summary, Stan Lee was the world’s most successful movie star. And to think it all started with “Mallrats.”

Nothing against Diego Luna and Rogue One, both of which are great. But a prequel to a prequel? Yeesh.

This whole country is being run by strength and conditioning coaches now, it seems.

I bought the 30th Anniversary version on VHS right when it was released, watched it once, and backed over it with my car. I’ve never had that kind of visceral reaction to a movie before or since.

There’s an argument to be made that it already is...

The Force ghost of Luke squares off against Luuke in the finale, only to be shocked by the arrival Bigger Luuke.

I mean, you can’t deny that the GOP’s vision for America isn’t working. In fact, there are so many jobs right now, lots of people have three or four!

It’s the shitty siege mentality we’ve cultivated in this country, where every individual American is being preyed upon by the other 349,999,999 at every waking moment. We’ll slam our door in the face of a six-year-old kid if we believe for a split-second that kid might be trying to get one over on us.

It sucks that trick-or-treating has become another thing some people have to become cops about. There are a lot of people out there who are Deeply Concerned about their Snickers ending up in the WRONG bucket.

Frank Grimes was certainly a sign that they were running out of steam. Getting that self-referential is almost never a good sign. But the jokes were still pretty much in line with where the series had been. I took the panda thing to be the staff just throwing up their hands and saying, “You know what? We’re doing this

I kept watching the show even after the precipitous drop-off in Season 10/11, but the breaking point for me was that episode where Mr. Burns forces Homer to prank people with him. “Jumped the shark” is kind of an archaic reference today, so I propose we start discussing when shows are “raped by a panda.” Because Homer

Yeah, the thing that stands out to me any time I see anything from the last few years of the show is how TIRED all the characters sound. It was most pronounced with Marsha Wallace a couple of years before she passed. Now I just get depressed when I hear latter-day Marge because all I can think about is worrying about

“I’m also curious how interviewing a guy who claims the refugee caravan is a Soros/deep state conspiracy fits in with the concept of a BUSINESS network.”

Suddenly very nervous that I’ll never get to see the Salacious Crumb movie I’ve been dreaming of for the last 35 years.

Jim’s thousand-yard stare as Michael insists he’s “cracking up” is haunting.

On the other hand, the idea that we occupy one-quadrillionth of one-quadrillionth of everything that exists can be sort of comforting in its own way. We’re so small, and the space we take up is so tiny that we don’t have to worry about anything other than the mote of existence given to us. We don’t have worry about