
Posting this again because the original makes Voltaire turn over in his grave:

Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime

Right... because neo nazi’s aren’t disorganized idiots.

You should get COTD for this, if for no other reason than to find out what you would gift to yourself.

Oww... that title... makes for which my head hurt!

Steam isn’t “Suppressing or prohibiting” anything, they are just declining to distribute via their platform.

Look, unless you’re prepared to say that High Castle emboldens Nazis, or that Handmaid’s emboldens religious misogynists, and act accordingly, the argument isn’t worth making, and even then it would be ridiculous. I’m not persuaded by the idea of pointing to fictional violence or atrocities and drawing causal

For as long as science fiction has existed, it’s been used to discuss real-world problems in a fictional, commercial manner - deep themes neatly packaged for people looking for entertainment. Anti-semitism, racism, sexism, xenophobia, they all exist in the real world, yet there’s a sizable portion of the population

You and the ninety-one people who starred you are profoundly morally confused.

Green energy is a fucking MASSIVE growth industry right now. Of course there is a huge financial incentive in telling people not to use fossil fuels. On the flip side, there is a huge financial incentive for the opposite, but again, this is all just people protecting their investments.

How does Gizmodo publish this article then slam people who claim this is going on in the realm of man made global warming?

There is no slippery slope. German police are raiding homes, again. I certainly hope they aren’t wearing earth tones.

That cartoon is horseshit.

The right to free speech isn’t something that’s bestowed upon us by a benevolent government; it’s a natural right we’re all born with. Our society depends on the free exchange of ideas, whether you agree with them or not. Sure you have the right to plug your ears and scream “LALALALALALA”

though her explanation falls apart with just a few minutes of critical examination: nora’s ‘no place for me there’ is a terribly weak explanation for why she came back. if i were kevin i’d have told her she was full of it. and also, wouldn’t the 2% on the other side freak out over people who they assumed were gone

nora never crossed over: we saw her gasp/yell while in the tank as if she changed her mind. they showed us the exchange with the nun saying she’s ‘not trying to sell nora on anything’, she’s telling her a ‘nicer story.’ then nora calls her a liar at which point the nun reminds nora of her own lie. all that points to

F*ck this show right in the cooter. A waste of my cotdamn time. And before you get upset at me, I’m just brave enough to say what most of us were thinking.

That center wing span better be damn strong, or we are looking at one spectacular air disaster.

Most of the people who write for Kinja sites are millennials who live in ultra urban city centers and have literally no idea how the rest of world outside of the city center works. This article seems no different.

Do you ever find yourself in the midst of writing something like this and just think to yourself ‘Christ, we’re just a bunch of apes’? Maybe it’s just me, but whenever i read anything that tries to unpack social knots it reminds me of how thoroughly we’re another animal.

I dunno, see a lot of the things you’re talking about are classic David Lynch, particularly the aesthetic choices like the old timey way they shot Coop falling stuff and the stilted and unusual dialogue. TBH though I did say to a pal that if you watched Inland Empire and thought, this is shit, then you’d probably not