
Pain and discomfort need to be cleanly separated. Pain is a signal your body is suffering damage. Discomfort is a signal you’re not comfortable.

Exercising should immediately stop if there is ever any pain.
Exercise should not stop if there is discomfort.

Unfortunately “No discomfort, no gain” doesn’t have the same zip.

The enemy of good is perfection.

I’m glad I’m blocking ads when my perseverance momentarily waivers and I click into shit like this.

Clean your fucking own messes.

One of these is worthy of outrage, one is cosplay.

This isn’t cannon. It’s discarded concept art, just like the thirty or so others in the article above.

“The next scene the two characters will be walking down a hallway talking to each other.” -G
“Yes, George.” -R

The Prequels being a disaster can be laid at the feet of Rick McCallum and his inability to say no.

Figure out how to Twitch the game “development & production” and you’ll get it from both ends.

Unless sexuality is a central part of the story, which I’d be happy with, how do you imagine it ever coming up that doesn’t come off as dissonant? Would someone rolling out of Lando’s bed, or “wearing” his bed sheets count?


Picture the roiling frothy surface of a pot of boiling water. That froth are the quarks/anti-quarks generating/annihilating each other inside the proton. Pressure is force per unit area, so they’ve somehow measured how much pressure this froth is under.

No, that was his elbow in Heat.

Try 2004 my dude.

You’re probably not a fan of Stripes either.

Physicists have observed phenomena so complex that simulating it would require a computing matrix more massive than the observable universe.* 

You’re proposing this like it hasn’t been attempted multiple times, and horribly backfired.

That and the death threats....sigh. I wish I were joking.

If it drifts outside its swimlane it’s racist. If it has appeal outside its swimlane it’s racist.

For me the sheer titanic stupidity of his plan kind of undermines him as an interesting villain. Instead of an intelligent threatening adversary he’s just the biggest bully with the strongest weapon who wants to kill a lot of people.