Smokin' Phil Jeffries

I loved the new Twin Peaks, so I say bring it on.

I’ve read some horrible things from both sides in these comments, but your “if you defend him, you’re a pedophile” is the sickest. Congrats.

Staff: I want to write an article about wild herb hunting

Surely you are trolling. Nobody could be this consistently stupid.

This column used to get 600-900 comments. Now it never gets 100. As Teti recently twote, sometimes a site can piss away a good audience chasing traffic.

Yet still better than Romo.

I’m pretty sure my mum would be hysterical if there was a public video of me masturbating to clothed children.

Just shut your whore mouth about Aubrey. She’s great.

I love Carruth. Every 6 months I remember to google for updates, followed by the inevitable disappointment.

Thank you for a rare voice of deliberation. It’s strange how many commenters can only empathise with one party here.

I wasn’t aware either, though I certainly noticed the absence of Patriots-related articles.

Being pedantic here, but “she only has to say ‘yes’ once” is not a message that should be encouraged. People can withdraw consent.

Let’s not neglect the Southern Bavarian Hairless Bear. They deserve love also.

If it lives up to the comic, it’s Badlands with uglier, dumber people.

Yeah, but you can get done DUI in a pontoon boat.

I suspect it’s easier to know in advance that you’re going to enjoy a collection of essays, especially one themed around an opinion you share.

It really isn’t hard to understand. 

I was already a Stephen King and ACDC fan when that movie came out. You can imagine how excited I was.

OTOH, most of the training is just thinking hard about things.