
I've been experimenting with a bottle of Pimm's and various fruits and sodas. Last night it was tonic and homemade elderflower syrup with crushed mint and kiwi. I tried pouring a shot of it into my barleycup the other night, but it wasn't all that.

Have you gotten your first intermittent hand tremor yet? I have to
remember to drink with my left hand at pubs or I look like a charity

The last weeks of a school term here are always garbage, and year 6 post SATs even more so. My kid is forgetting half her math and I've been calling her in sick to get her out of idiotic activities and expensive field trips, because if she shows up but doesn't want to participate, they just have her delivering mail

I had to stop reading the Alaska Fishing forum or cry myself to sleep every night. Ditto New England.

I'm sure there is a whole branch of Game Theory devoted to merging. It's an area where principled people get disproportionately screwed.

If you're an American, this makes perfect sense. We have a strongly developed belief in the Flow Of Traffic, and find it offensive when someone interrupts it unnecessarily. I've always been annoyed when cars stop for me while I'm judging traffic to time my crossing. Here in the UK people will do a 3-point turn in

Guess the AVClub finally found its intersection between pop culture and empty calories.

Minus the shotgun.

I would have been disappointed if even half of this turned out not to be dangerously irresponsible.

Honorable mention to Richard Thompson/Henry Kaiser on Drowned Dog Black Night

Diskwiss, I was only hanging out with you because you're old enough to buy beer. We're not pals.

I kept waiting for them to give some reason for not stashing her there but no.

Also irritating is they knew Barry couldn't use his powers inside Argus but didn't think to stash Iris there.

I'm going to need a bigger feather.

I didn't understand that joke as a kid, but he made it with such conviction that I laughed anyway.

They wouldn't have shown more than one self to an enemy I think

I just assumed they had MGMT

Brahms - Haydn Variations - Berliner 1964 - Von Karajan
This one is pretty good, though like most conductors he rushes through #8, and the Finale is a little bit plodding for my taste.

Yeah good thing no one shares information toward common goals. My spouse had a colleague back in AK who considered all of Russia to be her exclusive domain for climate research, and became bitter enemies with anyone who chose to do field work there. Well my honey is totally doing research in Russia; it's not like

A good friend once told me to watch Melvin and Howard, but before I could do it she went crazy and sent me hate mail. Now I have a bad association with it but I'm still mildly curious because she had good taste back then.