
Another electrical exam sorted: Unit 304 - testing and inspection.

I think what's offensive about Chuck is like what's offensive about Walter: we see his motivations but he still keeps trying to lie to us and himself. It's not that he's wrong; it is an insult to those who came to the law the hard way and passed by all the short cuts because the law mattered to them, having to watch

When the casting has been perfect at every point, why waste anyone?

It stands for Internet Overlords.

The most unforgivable thing about Reloaded is that it made fight scenes boring by prolongation. I've found most fight scenes resistible ever since.

Experience has taught me that the one hoping to get laid should always make sure chores are out of the way before their partner notices they need to be done.

Need to fix the editing error of Forte not having the profile of Forte

We're way ahead of him.

It's like a still shot from Scanners just before the guy's head explodes.

Getting my jaw drilled into for a tooth implant. I'd be less bothered by the prospect if I thought anyone was doing quality work around here. I miss Seattle dentistry.

That's the thing that always frustrated me about therapy. Because they don't get much time with you and you don't get to tell them that much, some therapists feel the need to treat anything you might mention in passing as tremendously important. It's hasty and I distrust it. A therapist should be patient, and

Jeez, at least you can take some comfort in knowing that therapists can be just as obnoxious as the rest of us.

I am not eating that.

I thought his actual research was of decent quality, but trying to explain away human inequalities without discussing human activity and social structures is pretty outrageous, and also way over his head. There's a good reason academics keep tearing him new ones. My spouse is a geographer and wants to make him cry.

Maybe you're bummed out at the feeling of skills gone unappreciated. We all have qualities that short-term lovers don't really see. I'm not an ugly person, but there is currently only 1 person in the world who truly understands how goddamned sexy I am, and that's a big deal for me. Without them, I wouldn't have

I'm guessing there will be enough baby-crazy people around for a while to take the pressure off you. There's always someone who's more puzzled than thrilled at the existence of a baby; my take is, that's more baby time for the rest of us. If you are going to be stuck in the middle of it, I suggest you try to see it

Jeitinho não da.

Matt Berry has been doing pretty much that with his short themes.

What's appealing about him is how comfortable he is with both ends of the reaction spectrum. Some worship him as a god, and he totally gets that. Others dismiss him as a joke, and he totally gets that too.

Reminds me of the Durango CO police dispatches from way back. A gaggle of ducks was seen crossing Camino Del Rio at lunchtime on Friday. No one was hurt.