
Not that I'm particularly invested in Diskwiss, but I don't see myself installing an app just to make dumb jokes on one site, so I might as well say goodbye. I liked this place mostly. Thanks for the conversations, and sorry for not taking an interest in the upvote function, and sorry for all the wrong opinions.

The action was part of the joke, as it shows just how much hassle goes into avoiding an hour of self-reflection

They might have given that list to someone who liked Pink Floyd a little more

Turnip the volume.

I think it had to do with someone's dad being a rear admiral in the Navy.

The classic modes are read on the clef without sharps or flats (though in practice it's common to use accidentals here and there). The major scale matches up with C-C: Ionian mode. Minor scale (without ascending accidentals) is Aolian: A-A. Mixolydian is G-G I think, like a major scale with a lowered seventh. I

From BHS side the company hadn't been paying them royalties for a while though the albums were still selling. From the label's side, BHS used the legal high ground to torch a sort of gentlemen's agreement that had helped the company to stay afloat and break out new music without becoming corporate. Long story short,

When you put it that way you make it sound a lot more fun than I remember.

Seen on purpose, that would be the Butthole Surfers (hey no automod!). Incidentally, there was a band called Crucial Youth who seemed to be the warmup band no matter where I went. They were sort of a straightedge satire band, though apparently they were also totally sober; they just thought straightedge culture was

A lot of places around here call them fries if they're skinny and chips if they're thick. Some menus have both fries (curly of cheesy maybe) and hand-cut chips.

No one needs to serve them alcohol because there is no open-container rule in the UK. If you checked the sidewalk behind them when they came in, you would see a breadcrumb trail of Strongbow cans.

It's not a "female-centered Harry Potter" unless it happens in the same world. HP is just one of many Magic School stories.

So Friday's WOT has no Friday shows?

It's not too uncommon with singers. See also Genesis P Orridge.

Genesis P Orridge could give him a few pointers. I mean specifically on microphones and front teeth. All the other stuff pretty much goes without saying.

Who puts a "kill me" button on a patient's bedside console?


Daytrotter sounds like the name of a Deerhoof cover band.

Happy Bday R C. 40 is fine. Go have some fun.

It is definitely time to plug that hole in Wall Maria.