
Horse poo is not that big a deal.

That's a good one. Mine once came out with "sturdy-birds-nest!" like it was a swear. She also thought "freaking awesome" was a swear for a while, so she'd say "OW I stubbed my freakinawesome toe!"

My kid doesn't like swearing usually, but she thinks it's funny to do impressions of me sometimes by putting on my hat and muttering "where the goddamnfuckingshitchristhell is my phone?"

I take refuge in chores, clearing the way for the 2/3 of my family who aren't a fucking mess to get on with what they do.

greased piglet?

Bag of H.A.M.M.E.R.s

I wasn't into the Cosby show, but as a kid I loved him for his old standup and for Fat Albert. It hurt to have those memories spoiled, and not want to raise my own kid on them.

I've said it here before, but PENITENZIAGITE! BLEUGH!

I don't know about humanity, but hearing Daniel Johnston find the humor in his own crippling mental illness with strength left over for empathy is encouraging to me.

On Earth-2, yeah.

Explosion In The Sky - Take Care Take Care Take Care
Of Montreal - Icons, Abstract Thee
Zoviet France - Live In My Living Room

My daughter got a letter back from David Attenborough thanking her for the honorary membership in her Everybody Nature Club. She has it on her wall.

Classic France.

It's less of an issue vs computer players though, as the various games' AI never had an appropriate respect for terrain. While calmly repelling waves of superior force, I have often thought "no human player would have let me live this long.

Just rewatched Guel Arraes' O Auto Da Compadecida and it's still fucking wonderful. The casting of this movie is just perfect, and the dialogue is funny and philosophical at the same time. Still no subtitled version yet, and my Portuguese isn't any better than last time and people speak really fast, but I remembered

Maybe it's just the hangover. I kept telling everyone to drink some water once in awhile.

Looks like Chicago and Leicester are sister cities this year.

I just finished Atwood's The Blind Assassin and was waiting for the library to chase down Murakami's Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, which has now arrived. In the meantime I read Basho's travel writing, which is journal-style prose but also has selected haiku verses he wrote along the way. I invented a new game while I was

Benjamin Clementine - At Least For Now
Electronic Jugotron - Synthetic Music From Yugoslavia

Fear The Commuting Dead