
Hope your waste basket is the kind that can hold liquid. Never put a mesh waste basket in the bathroom.

People see him comin' and they move to the other side of the road…

Just like the Old Testament, you lost me at the begats.

I can still remember Aylmer's voice 20 years later. Smooth talker.

I wasn't allowed to stay up that late, and not organized enough to sneak downstairs after bedtime.

shit you made me look that up

I just saw the same thing in Folha online. Disingenuous and unkind.

My daughter just wrote a letter to Sir David making him an honorary member of the Everybody Nature Club. We also found a letter she wrote him when she was seven but never mailed, which mentions starting the club. I'll mail them together so he can see the organization has deep roots.

But not from boxing I hope.

I completely disagree about needing to comment on a girl's appearance for her self-esteem. My mother likes to go on about what a heartbreaker my daughter's going to be and how she has the body of a dancer, and it drives me nuts. It's not helpful, and she feels weird about it too. What matters is to talk to them

This is not a conversation that can be had without Harpoon Brewery.

I agree that the Theory is a little thin, but Not Available is still my favorite Residents.

Kindness is better than sympathy, and more inclusive. You can use your own suffering as fuel for kindness when dealing with these others you see suffering. Together you create an environment where each of you feels like someone gives a shit, and it makes you want to be better. You have to extend some to yourself

You need to remember that feeling like you have no right to feel bad is another of Depression's dirty tricks. Once it kicks in, the intellect will come up with all kinds of reasons why it's true. Yes, other people are suffering in what may seem like more tangible ways, and yes, they are probably too busy to

It only gets worse from there

Without my glasses on, I read the headline as Wet Hot American Sniper. I don't have anything else to contribute today.

Guy in the picture looks like a young Richard Thompson. It's disarming.

Never heard of the guy, or the song, but this was a good Hatesong. Most people get so into how the song makes them feel or what kind of annoying people are loving it that they don't take the time to criticize the song.

I used to have two study pieces in college. One was Tallis Scholars singing Missa Brevis by Palestrina. The other was a performance of Brahms' Haydn Variations which I had on tape and haven't been able to find again. I've tried dozens of other performances of it and they all have something I object to. Oh yeah and

I like playing Aguas da Amazonia w/ Uakti at night because it's soothing in the way a lot of Philip Glass is, but I can also just appreciate listening to it if I'm having trouble sleeping. If I need to sleep right away, I go with white noise every time.