
I hate driving anymore, but one song that makes me want to go out night driving is The Past Is A Grotesque Animal by Of Montreal. I don't listen to a lot of Motorik-style music apart from some Stereolab and NEU! when I'm in the mood, but that particular song really works in the way a Motorik tune should; focusing my

I was not aware that Melvins and Foetus had collaborated. Got to check that out after I get some sleep.

Billy Bragg plays Coventry next month. Kind of a big space for what I think of as an intimate performer, but still thinking about it.
Current 93 in London a week from Saturday, but I'll be visiting friends in Cambridge, so maybe not the polite thing.
Psychic TV in London soon, but everything I like by them is at least

Spouse has Plantar Fasciitis and can hardly walk and is stressed and scared. My other best friends live fucktons of miles away and most have stopped answering the phone or returning emails. I know everyone uses FB and I should too, but I have my reasons, and it doesn't seem like too much to ask to just check in with

Just discovered the Watersons lately. I was listening to this Linda Thompson song "Evona Darling" that she sings with her son and it says it was written by Lal Waterson. There is apparently no recording of Lal singing it but the song would not let go of me for a couple of days so I went and listened to a bunch of

Would that it were so.

I bought some nice 20/2 wetspun linen from Lithuania and then had to give up my loom when we moved, so the stuff is just sitting there with my alpaca yarns and my colorgrown cottons and my rug wools. Makes me sad. I hope someone out there is making something these days.

I've seen them three times since '87 and they've always been good.

The Burger King of my childhood (he was also a Ronald in Canada) became a vegan activist, so I can only be so impressed by their PR.

My only real gripe with this movie is that by making the xenomorphs so much like insects, they robbed them of some of their terror and allowed them to make sense to us. I would have preferred they kept them inscrutable for the audience's sake. The space jocks still wouldn't have given a fuck.

Probably half of the songs on that album can crush me depending on the circumstances. I think Does Not Suffice takes the prize for saddest breakup song.

Kate Bush - Suspended in Gaffa
Joe Strummer - Johnny Appleseed
Fugazi - Waiting Room
Psychic TV - Paradise Lost
Gilberto Gil/Jorge Ben - Filhos de Gandhi
John Cameron Mitchell - Wicked Little Town

Always liked Tumblin' Tumbleweeds. The Meat Puppets do a version of it that I like too.

The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood. There is so much pleasure in the way she writes, and she puts a kind of humor into everything she describes. I would like to hang out with the cranky old lady in this book, though I'm sure she would find me tedious.

Been listening to a lot of Benjamin Clementine lately, and Godspeed You Black Emperor. Now I'm reacquainting myself with Billy Bragg to decide if I should jump on this show that's coming up in Coventry.

Lots of American editions cut out Piper at the Gates of Dawn, and also Wayfarers All. Only the two best chapters.

Feeling bad is easy. Feeling bad about feeling bad, that's where the fucking magic is. Nice of them to help you along with that.

Steven Universe has it pretty good, both with his Dad and his three guardians. I like how they take his ideas seriously and join in whatever silliness he comes up with

Years ago my spouse asked me to green-light fooling around with a specific person while in Brazil for field work. The idea was that 2 months was a long time to go without. It sounded a little chickenshit to me, but I said ok. My spouse said it didn't help that much, and might have been a little unfair to the other

I saw this on stage with James Earl Jones and Mary Alice Smith in like '87. That was some kinda good. This looks good too.