
I was cured around the middle of season 2.

Was there ever better casting than Sian Phillips as the Reverend Mother?

Less talking, more smoking.

Hungry is the old rapey.

He might just be trying to have his cake and eat it too. I call it the Mishka Shubali approach.

If by "dark web" you mean "not user-friendly," then yes, it's just as scary as it sounds.

In that first scene his buddy was also reading a book about a travelling gourmet. I wonder which one it was.

It's still satire, but it's a little cheap. Rather than making him more real the movie makes almost everyone else full of shit. Still it's not without compassion.

I wish people would stop romanticizing Mata Hari. The story is depressing from start to finish.

Honorable Mention across the border (and then some) for South Dildo, Newfoundland!

That book cover freaked me the fuck out as a kid. Never thought to open the book.

Either you're doing it wrong or you're doing it right. Your call.

Watch it first, then worry about it.

On the up side, apologizing for being an asshole can sometimes make more of an impression at work than never having been an asshole. My spell-checker doesn't seem to think asshole is a word.

I'm tired of Scatological Joke Writers too.

I did like it, but it is basically a Penn & Teller act disguised as a horror movie.

My Roanoke nightmare is a little different. We're visiting my Mom who can barely walk with Parkinson's, but insists on rushing around fussing over us so I think I took ten years off her life by visiting. Then she tries to buy us shit we don't need with money she doesn't have. Maybe they could do an episode about

It's a valid question. A few factors here. 1) It became extremely difficult to hustle work day after day with my mind on the other side of the country. At this point it mattered less and less how impractical it might be as it was affecting me in practical terms. 2) I thought I had prospects on the East Coast as

…but with crossguards