
Don't forget the time you smoked weed on the White House roof, or kissed Charlie Pride on the mouth.

This guy gets it.

Murakami's 1Q84. Haven't gotten that far yet, but I like his choices of which details to share and which not. This one is slower reading. Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball went by fast.

I'm kind of grateful for the chores when I'm feeling down, because the body can keep getting things done (just really slowly) while the mind is incapacitated.

My spouse picked up a cane to help get around (plantar fasciitis) and I'm working on a way to pad the handle, so I've practised cockscombing with twine before I try for real with a more suitable material.

I have been giving myself a belated crash course (yes I have a lot of those) in Elliott Smith's albums. I'm finding a lot of new things about them each time I listen. I probably wouldn't drink to it though. Also gave a listen to the new Of Montreal album, but I'm not that excited about it yet.

A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to Sokovia

I thought he was the best thing about that movie. Not that it was bad; he was just a little bit better.

Pretty much everything I could find. Other high points for me were Cryptonomicon and the Diamond age. I completely enjoyed the Baroque cycle, but I don't disagree with most of the criticism it got. It's just really fun.

I've had that experience with a couple of Pynchon books. To me they are meant for binge reading.

Also fantastic on the aborted Stangerers. Seriously, why the fuck couldn't they finish that show?

Ha I was in a hotel with my kid recently and had to explain to her that she couldn't just turn on the TV and watch Teen Titans Go unless it was "on."

I liked this one a lot, though it's more like two books, the second of which I wanted to be longer. My favorite Stephenson is currently Anathem.

I read Murakami's Hear the Wind Sing this week. It reads like a first novel but I liked it well enough. Now I'm reading Pinball for good measure.

I don't think the ban has as much to do with oppression as with a vague sense of Frenchness being undermined. Remember when France was trying to root out foreign words like cheeseburger from common usage? This reminds me of that, but with a little bonus for those who distrust Islam specifically. I didn't see

It's not like that for me. Everything just creaks.

My 10-year-old girl loves the Mo-dettes.

I disagree that Xray Spex are a footnote. Most people I know who are interested in punk rock consider the band important, and I Live Off You is one of my favorites.

I recently spent 25 pounds on the Frank book. Before that the most was 20 dollars for the complete Moonshadow. I would drop real money on a new Beanworld, but it doesn't seem like that's going to happen.

I usually use recorded books.