
O cara cortou sete peixinhos para jantar, mas esqueceu jogar fora os partes restantes antes de comer. Qual e o nome do filme? "Pixu de sete cabecas" Estou fazendo isso direito?

Strangely, there does not appear to be a Hitler rant about this yet.

and goats.

Well vive la fucking France man!

Not in this universe, but he's big on Earth-2.

One seraph, two seraphim. Not that anyone gives a shit.

Depends on the country. US: read the manual 10 minutes before the test. UK: buy one of those driving theory DVDs and play the shit out of it. Remember to blow through all the easy questions first before returning to the tricky ones. Later questions may inadvertently provide the answers to previous ones.

If she won't stop needling you after fair warning, humane should probably come off the table. I don't like hurting my Mom's feelings, but it can bring a quick stop to frustrations which have dragged on for years.

I keep a few songs handy to start humming or singing when an unwelcome song is sticking around. It helps if it's goofy. One of my most reliable is Cantor de Mambo. Also I find listening intently to all the peripheral sounds my brain has been filtering out will help to refresh my inner ear, but it won't work if the

Goddammit, who's been reciting the Ascending Dragon?

Any relation to Bob Clouser?

If that was the saddest story in a riot, it was a good riot.

When dating just think of yourself as a researcher sifting through the available data to find a workable model, and let's face it, you have been gathering a hell of a lot of data. Could take a while to triangulate. And anyway the field work sounds like fun.

'he told me he thought all relationships were “transactional”'

Asking a woman if she's all alone here is a giant red flag, and the only correct answer is "you do not ask a woman that."

Reasonably? When you're medical and irreversibly invalid, can't wipe your own butt, and everything hurts all the time. Apart from that, the losses and gains are mostly a matter of perspective. The weird thing about life (and I like weird) is that however much planning you might do you have no fucking idea what's

I am what you might call an acquired taste on multiple levels, and I have a pretty good relationship, so I don't see any reason why not. You don't appear to be a psychopath and you're not afraid of communication. I think it's easier to make connections with people if you worry about it less. Also, if you're funny,

I watched the whole series on YT when I was ill. Might be the best 70's TV I can remember watching. The casting changes are a little distracting, but made up for by all the acting talent.

The US got two films on video, which I gather were condensed from the 6 Japanese films. I never even knew there was a TV show until a couple of years ago.

There is a large-scale plot which seems to involve the entire nation of Japan, but it gives a lot of attention to the little details of feudal Japanese life. I can't adequately describe how richly the series illustrates daily life and tradition of the time. Also the ending is immensely satisfying.