
You can watch the entire TV series with subtitles on Youtube. It's called Kozure Okami, and it's pretty enthralling.

Or if you can only sit through a season of The Strain while playing Civ on your laptop.

Better get one of those curvy sticks.

I'm wasting my life.

You will mostly have to live with the CotW structure, which is the price of this show lasting 5 seasons, but the show will repay your patience in spades.

I seem to remember Robyn Hitchcock's Hatesong being properly critical rather than just visceral, but then again I wasn't convinced he truly hated anything.

I have lived here for 3 years and I can't remember what a Euro looks like.

It felt good too. The reviews are still fun to read though, in a Dome sort of way.

The Shrike.

I'm surprised this hasn't come up in SL sooner, and I wish Dan would have said something about the difference between identity play (fun!) and identity (can be life-threatening!). Not that this instance sounds like that big a deal, but the colleague could have just said, "I go by Spike," and there would have been no

I think the letter focused on the wrong thing by making it about sex. The issue is he feels he is being obligated to join in his colleague's fantasy life to some degree. If your friend gets married and changes her name she will have to understand it takes a while for people to stop using her former name out of


And just in time.

I should not have read that.

The New England part is just to distinguish it from Manhattan style though. No one outside of RI thinks about RI clam chowder. Not without shaking their fist anyway.

Well if you do jobs and bills well enough and for long enough, and don't have a heart attack first, you spend the rest of your days lying around eating bananas, or having them mashed up and fed to you. Call it a tie?

I make a dessert sandwich for my kid sometimes by slicing a scone sideways and putting a cut slab of ice cream in the middle.

Don't forget the Rhode Island clam chowder, which I'm pretty sure is not technically a chowder. Nothing is more depressing after a bad day fishing at Watch Hill than going into a diner to console yourself with a little chowder, and remembering only after you ordered that you're in Rhode Island.

I've seen people do that in Alaska. Sometimes with a hint of vinegar even.

When I was in 2nd grade all the Rhode Island softball teams seemed to be named for the business they were sponsored by, so I was on the Burger Chef team and had some kind of chef-hat logo on my shirt. We kicked Baskin Robbins' ass, only to be felled by South County Pest Control. I never once ate at Burger Chef, nor