
The UK seems to have this unspoken rule that a sandwich should not have more than two ingredients on it, and more often than not one of these ingredients is butter.

Omission, not commission.

We had a movie night and watched Bergman's Wild Strawberries. After we discussed whether the movie would have had an audience if it were made today. I've hardly been to the movies in years so I don't know if people are still making movies in which nothing much happens. I think there's just more competition for our

And what do all the apes that took a pass on higher reasoning know that we don't?

I guess it wasn't His War.

Wonder how many times we've seen You-know-who get his brains blown out in the Previously On intro. I usually prewatch these so I can give my spouse advance warning of bloodshed, but I always forget about the intro and surprise!

Just remember that, assuming he is correct about it being Asperger's, it isn't something he is suffering from, despite the difficulties it may cause in his social life. As long as he's willing to return to return to a topic later (i.e. as long as his condition doesn't become an excuse to bail on difficult

Fucking hate that term. All the worse too for having been coined by a woman.

I found him thoughtful and compassionate. I remember him with gratitude and I'm sorry he's gone.

…which brings us just four wikisteps later to the Socialist Fraternal Kiss.

Too late, don't care.

Batman v Superman: Doctors of Jurisprudence

I thought the same thing but it was "Oh god HEAVEN CAN WAIT!".

Barry Bostwick though.

This is the first I've heard of it too.

It's just called Two Brothers!

Nice catch, I forgot about it too when POI came back.

Sanders will wait until Lovitz is in the air and tackle him at the knees.

The idea that anyone knows what a man or a woman is, and should tell you.

That's just what Alabama and Iran want you to think.